

I have long felt that "good tone" is largely subtractive, in terms of allowing or emphasizing frequencies that are ear-friendly. We spent some 99.99% of our evolutionary history talking, yelling (and singing?) to each other, and evolved mechanisms that could hear the antelopes (and tigers!) in the bushes - over millions of issues and re-issues, the organism that was chosen to breed more often was the one that heard certain things better than others. So there are reasons that guitar amps don't have tweeters, pianos aren't made of steel, tuba players get more nookie than piccolo players... break out the Barry White album and think about it.  Roar....
StubHead said:
I have long felt that "good tone" is largely subtractive, in terms of allowing or emphasizing frequencies that are ear-friendly.

Absolutely. Wood doesn't create vibrations, it absorbs them. Capacitors don't generate frequencies, they filter them. String vibrations don't intensify, they decay. The list is long. In every case, you're losing/subtracting energy. Entropy is the way of the universe. Energy doesn't go away, it dissipates along the path of least resistance, or along various paths of varying resistance. Many people think refrigerators and air conditioners cool things down. They don't. They move energy from one place to another where it's dissipated so its effects won't be noticed.
Back to impatiece...

What's the point of Quantum View if UPS never updates it!!! Been showing my neck stuck in Portland since pickup Fri night. Seen it before... Nothing until they deliver, then it'll show me the travel log...