
Ideas for Staining a Classical Guitar?


Junior Member
Wondering if I could stain the top of my classical guitar to make it look like a cabernet red wine type of color.

Any ideas, thoughts, tips, warnings, or suggestions? 

I have a clunker I can practice on before trying it on a nice guitar, so I'm down for experimenting! 
The easiest way to do that while ensuring an even color is probably to spray it with a red lacquer toner and then a clear lacquer topcoat.

About a third of the way down the page here, you'll see a "Deep Red Guitar Toner."


There are also some other colored toners further down that may suit.  Perhaps the "Red Mahogany."  I would search for images showing how it actually looks when applied.

Bagman67 said:
The easiest way to do that while ensuring an even color is probably to spray it with a red lacquer toner and then a clear lacquer topcoat.

Thanks Dude! 

I'll totally check this out.  My first Warmoth build experience now got me wanting to take the customization element into nylon territory! 