
I really think you'd better take this seriously


Master Member

Because of the entraining capacity of single electronically generated frequencies (as described under "Schumann Resonances"), if they are used for sustained periods, they can trigger and hold a person in any number of psycho-emotional states. For example, specific frequencies can trigger or accentuate any "condition of weakness." If a person has a thyroid condition and suppressed anger, certain frequencies may trigger this condition and enrage the person. If a person has a thymus (heart chakra) immune weakness and suppressed fear, sustained man-made frequencies can trigger and hold that person in extreme paranoia. (This type of entrainment already occurs due to the 50 and 60 Hertz electromagnetic fields people live in daily and the electronic devices they live with--including TV's and computers.)

GAAAAA!!! They're... COMING!!! :o :o :o

(oh lawzy, I need some hep) :guitaristgif: