
I may be a little bass-geeky, but I though this was kinda cool


Master Member

Somebody either isolated the real track or learned the "Welcome to the Jungle" bass track. It's easy to miss what the bass player's doing when you focus on the guys in the tophats, noserings, ever-so-L.A. sunglasses parked on their forehead as a fashion statement, wiggly spandex butts, constipation faces when bending any string further than a half-step... but I can guarantee you Guns 'n' Roses would've sunk without a trace if Duff hadn't been on his game, pretty much all the time. Hell, the same thing goes for Nirvana, Aerosmith during the liquid Demerol years, THE ROLLING STONES during the Keef vomit on yer git days (C.Watts carried them a long way too)... the Grateful Dead after Jerry died the first time in 1985... and the Red Hot Chili Peppers? Flea was the only one of those guys who can assume any sort of "Rock God" status, in fact the whole grunge movement seemed to revolve around guitarists and singers falling over on smack and bass players who could sometimes drag them back to a beat. A great bass player can't really make a sloppy band great, but a sloppy bassist can pretty much guarantee you a retirement plan centered around chugging Sterno and fighting your singer for the fresh chunks in the Jack-in-the-Box dumpster.
When I first got into Guns n' Roses, it was all about Slash. I was busy trying to figure out Sweet Child O' Mine on guitar instead of listening deeper into the music. But then after listening to them some more and relaxing into the music, I really started to appreciate the rest of the guys and what they all did together. Duff McKagan is still by far my favorite bass player. If not for the chops, the attitude he brought to it.
Matt Freeman of Rancid does some mean bass playing for Rancid & his other side bands.  Most songs feature fairly tame guitar riffs whilst the bass is all over the place.
I'll add Cliff to that list - you need an immovable wall against which to bang your head. :headbang:
More props to Matty Freeman. Those bass riffs get crazy stuck in your head. Try listening to "Roots Radicals" and not spend the rest of the day humming the bass line from the chorus. Can't be done.