
Humbucker and Fat Humbucker in Pickguard


Junior Member
What is the difference here?

It looks to me that the regular humbucker rout is actually bigger.

What exactly does no cover mean? I am assuming it means having a nickel or gold cover on the pup.

If i want to fit a SD '59 and a Pearly Gates which rout do i want? I dont plan to put covers on them.

Fender used to call an HSS Strat a "Fat Strat" and they would have that silly pickup route. It was reference to the tone of the guitar not the size of the pickup. That shape does give a clean appearance when using open coil pickups. It's purely a matter of aesthetics. If you go that route (no pun intended) you will be limited to only open coils though.

This is the no cover rout, it is nice and tight around an open coil humbucker.
Is that your guitar? If so how do you like the locking bridge? I special ordered one those Deluxes for a custy but didn't get to spend too much time with the guitar. I just cleaned it up set it up and they took it. It was actually for this little badass 12 year old guitar player. He played out and everything.