
How to "turn on" a guitar pedal


Hero Member
Thought I'd share a fun, short little tongue in cheek gear nerd youtube video I made the other day about how to "turn on" a guitar pedal. :-)


I wouldn't exactly call it NSFW, but it does have some very wah heavy music, and a few other things that might help to turn on a pedal.  ;-) 
Pedals are easy. Players take a bit more effort. Personally, nekkid pedals really get me going...


Yeah, yeah, I'm pretty juvenile. But, check out those components!
Man, so many John Mayer dislikes.  :-)

Considering he's pretty much reached the level of grand master when it comes to pedal whore-ing/hoarding, you'd think most pedals would love to "be with him".

Unless of course it was just reading it for the articles. ;-)
Me, too. I don't know what device that is (it's not mine) - I just found that picture on Google and don't remember where. I just searched "Pedal guts" and rowed through until I saw something attractive.