Johnhamdun said:
I am currently unaware of a site that will let you do this, but does anyone know of a place where I can really get a feel for how a certain pick-up sounds? I would really love to find a place that has audio clips of a wide range of pick-ups because so much of it is down to personal taste and I don't really want to drop $200 on someone else's tastes.
Thanks Guys
This is a difficult thing to do, because of environmental factors that may affect the sound of pickups. Some things that come to mind offhand: choice of instrument building materials, amplifier, EQing, active vs. passive, effects, miced amp vs. direct, physical characteristics of the room, etc.
I suspect the pickup manufacturers don't affer much because they don't want to get the "My-pickups-don't-sound-the-same-as-your-web-samples" complaint. Can't say that I blame them.