
hngd: strat!


Hero Member
I'm shamelessly  copying my post from another forum, but that doesn't make the content less true! :D

the neck is flamed maple, with a brazilian RW board, with a custom inlay (which confuses the hell out of me!)

the pickguard is solid brass, the bridge pickup is a motherbucker, the neckpickup is a stagmag/patb2 hybrid with alnico2 slugs and an alnico8 bar. the middle is one I made myself. its a 4,5k 42awg coil with  a ceramic bar magnet.

I wired it on the switch as a regular strat switch; bridge/bridge+middle, middle, middle+neck, neck. the pots are different, though. master volume, master tone, and the middle pot is a volumepot for the middlepickup alone. the tonepot is rather useless, I don't use it, but it should be there in my opinion.

this guitar is so super-versatile. jazz to hard, thrashing metal, it does it all. and only because of that middle pickup! I can go from 'frusciante-clean' to 'alter bridge' with this guitar and my 5150 (modded to SLO-specs) with literally a flick of a switch.







its not finished to the last details. the locking nut has some shims, and I have to glue them to eachother and the neck itself, and the retainer bar has to be installed too, but I'm too lazy to do so. this guitar works so far :P
Very cool! I love that fretboard inlay. I dont know how I feel about it on that guitar, but I love it by itself!
You went too far this time.  You've gone so overboard, it doesn't even look like a Les Paul anymore.  :laughing7:  Or should I say "Who are you, and what have you done with Orpheo?" 

Just kidding.  Looks good!
love the minimal look of the body. but it's not an LP. what gives?  :icon_scratch:
Nice! I can see why you might want it.

I'm curious about the pickguard - is there some sort of design on there, or is that wear from use?

Also, that neck joint is quite different. What's going on there? Are there 5 screws holding that on, or is it three with some other reason for that recessed 2 screw slot?
Cagey said:
Nice! I can see why you might want it.

I'm curious about the pickguard - is there some sort of design on there, or is that wear from use?

Also, that neck joint is quite different. What's going on there? Are there 5 screws holding that on, or is it three with some other reason for that recessed 2 screw slot?

no, its really 5 screws. the neckpocket is is made to accept regular fender-heels, but you just have to shave the heel, and also drill 2 holes. oh big whoop :P it works :D

the pickguard was a gift, just like the body and neck ;) the guy who gave me the stuff tried his hand on routing brass with this pickguard. and its really worn due to use. I tried a  real singlecoil AND a hotrail next to eachother one time in its life, and thats why there are more holes next to the humbuckers. maybe I'll do that one day, cause I really liked the tone and possibilities. but having a volumepot for that strange middlepickup makes me just as happy right now, haha.

its a bi-atch to get her strung up and tuned up properly. but once it's there, its THERE.and you can't get it out of tune no matter what you do with that whammy bar.

what really bothers me is that the wood has split where the stud went in the body (near the bass-side). I'll have to refill that part one day or another. again.
Orpheo said:
its a bi-atch to get her strung up and tuned up properly. but once it's there, its THERE.and you can't get it out of tune no matter what you do with that whammy bar.

I'll anticipate Cagey and suggest the first part of your statement  is a substantial part of what's wrong with Floyds - and concede also that the second part of your statement is what's right with them.

Orpheo said:
what really bothers me is that the wood has split where the stud went in the body (near the bass-side). I'll have to refill that part one day or another. again.

This is my favorite fix for a split, although this ain't the right application for it:

Anyway - cool axe, Orph!
its not a bad thing about floyd. its more a 'floating bridge' thing :) and my incompetence ;) cause strangely enough, I have no issues with my floyd'd LP and hipshot trems on my other les pauls. but yeah, they're rock solid.

the split is, well, I don't know why or what. maybe I'll have to find me some thicker studs :P but I like the tone, its so, so fat!
Too large of a mounting bushing (or, more likely, too small of a hole) is probably why it's split now. If you try to put a larger stud in there you're going to split it more, even if you glue it. Unless it's driving you nuts or causing a problem, you might be better off just leaving it alone. But, if you must fix it, you'd probably get the best results by just pulling the bushing out, painting some 5-minute epoxy in the hole, and pounding it back in. That'll cure up real hard and some will be forced into the crack as well, which may keep it from getting worse. Of course, if you do that, that bushing is never coming out again.
Cagey said:
Too large of a mounting bushing (or, more likely, too small of a hole) is probably why it's split now. If you try to put a larger stud in there you're going to split it more, even if you glue it. Unless it's driving you nuts or causing a problem, you might be better off just leaving it alone. But, if you must fix it, you'd probably get the best results by just pulling the bushing out, painting some 5-minute epoxy in the hole, and pounding it back in. That'll cure up real hard and some will be forced into the crack as well, which may keep it from getting worse. Of course, if you do that, that bushing is never coming out again.

no, its because I filled the hole which was too large for these studs, and the 'filling part' broke ;)
Orpheo said:
no, its because I filled the hole which was too large for these studs, and the 'filling part' broke ;)

Ah, I see. Overstuffed, in any event.

I've got a bushing/hole size mismatch problem myself at the moment, so I can sympathize.
Frankenstrat. I like. I LIKE. I don't think I have ever seen such a diverse combination of pups. How's the motherbucker? Muddy?
This guitar has that mutt loveability.
Kudos to you, sir.

sorry, can't make soundclips.

the motherbucker is a fat, crunchy pickup. its quite far from the strings, to balance the middle and neckpickup. and indeed, it's a mutt :D
Nice to see someone else mention Frusciante. I could do without the Floyd, but other than that I really dig it!
That right there is a players guitar.  So many of those "road worn" guitars have that belt sander, fake vibe, sort of feel.  That thing looks it's been there, in the hands of real pro for years.  You could just pick it up and the mojo would move through it into your fingers and you would instantly rock!! 

Love it.
Erik Z said:
That right there is a players guitar.   So many of those "road worn" guitars have that belt sander, fake vibe, sort of feel.  That thing looks it's been there, in the hands of real pro for years.   You could just pick it up and the mojo would move through it into your fingers and you would instantly rock!! 

Love it.

haha, thanks man :) I really wanted to have that look and feel you describe. the fun stuff is, that it sounds exactly the way it looks; totally badass ;)
Yeah...this Thread took me by surprise...Not so much the post was about a Strat, but that it was about a Strat AND from Orpheo!  :icon_scratch:

Just when you think you have folks figured out, they depart radically from the norm.  :sad1:

Next thing you'll know, Agwan will make a Butterscotch Blonde Tele, Max will become a party animal at College, =CB= will buy a Vespa,  Nando will build a Standard Alder body Strat in solid colour & Warmoth will start offering mini humbucker routs in Jazzmaster Pickguards .... :tard: