
Hey Orf....


Mythical Status
Betcha ain't got one of these...
A floyd on a piezo only guitar? I bet you'd be the only kid on your block with one of those.
That looks pretty cool actually, I like the black one better. Is the top contoured to hold the bridge saddle? Or are my eyes just playing tricks on me. That's a cool idea.
DangerousR6 said:
Orpheo said:
indeed, I don't have that one :) nor would I want it ;)
I thought you were mr. les paul guy.....Oh wait, it doesn't have 3 pu's..... :icon_biggrin:

quite right! and it's got no floyd! (yeah, I'll be ordering 2 floyd-les pauls, later this year)
Beautiful guitar. When I see an unrouted body in the showcase I always think how great it would be if I could use it without routing the flame/quilt top. I would prefer neck binding though, as in most guitars with a fancy top.

The strings go through the body?
Not in that one - you can see the wraps coming out of the bridge.