I think a digital delay capable of long delay times is one of the pedals that can actually improve your playing - not on the stage so much, but as a practice tool. If you set it in the 500ms range, start playing repeating the same four notes - then fit six notes in, then fit eight notes in, then turn it to 450ms etc. 5's and 7's... :evil4: With longer delays you can specifically work on and write harmony lines, figuring out what works before you bring it to the band. If you've ever spent time working with a metronome on exercises for speed - Morse, Gilbert, McLaughlin speed - you know that the most important starting point is to have a very even time duration for each note before you try to speed it up, because it will fall apart otherwise. A delay lets you practice overlapping the same lick in alternating positions - that'll put the hair on your chest, and it's FUN too, unlike a metronome. The Hardwire has 8 seconds, even more than my RP250. No-brainer, here.
(and if you get a little mixer and two or three stereo delays hooked into each other, you can have a looperama festival in your living room! I've chained my Akai Headrush and a Boss RC20XL, gets out of hand in the very best way)