
Hello, new here.


Junior Member
Hi everyone. I have just joined the board after spending some time on the Warmoth site. ("some" is an understatement....!)

I recently picked up a cheap SX Strat copy which has been upgraded with everything but the neck and body. It has the exact Strat headstock shape, I have been told it was an Asian only model. Although it is only an Sx Vintage style strat it really is a nice guitar.

A search of replacement necks led me to the Warmoth site. That certainly opened up a million options. Now I am looking at bodies, necks etc......I have always known of the Warmoth brand but have never really looked into the products and services. I think a new hobby might just develop. The ready to buy necks and bodies are incredible.

I hope you all put up with some newby questions in the near future........

Cheers, Pete

Melbourne, Australia
welcome, welcome! the guys and gals here on the "unnoficial" warmoth forum are really nice and really helpful. visit the forum often, you'll learn a lot! (oh, and if you have a question, use the search function to see if it has been asked before . . . )  :occasion14:

Feel at home.  No need to take yer shoes off unless ya wanna.  BEVERAGES in the fridge, donation cup on the counter.  Same for snacks.  Try to keep the amp set to less than max between the local hours of 3am and sunrise.

Thats about it!~ :icon_thumright:
riverbluff said:
Welcome to the board Pete.

Once you get your neck/body you won't be disappointed.


Indeed, once you get your neck you will be temporarily elated and then immediately begin jonsing for the next fix.  It's called GAS, it is real and it affects over 5000 Warmoth customers.  You are in good hands though, we'll help you navigate this difficult condition. 
NonsenseTele said:
Hey welcome to the forum!!! :D

Just don't bring the spiders from there! :P

Or snakes. Say Hi to my sister and brother in law. Melbourne is an amazing place.
Cheers and welcome.
Thanks for the huge welcome everyone! Gotta watch the snakes here in Melbourne. No spiders that can kill down here  :)

Nexrex, I am in Melton, practically neighbours. I do the Triathlons down at the Western Suburbs Tri Club in Altona. It's great fun dodging Jellyfish........

Cheers, Pete

Gidday mate - another Aussie (Kiwi) here too - I'm from Canberra.  Welcome to the board & start saving now, the exchange rate is looking good so why not make the most of it.  I've just bought a new neck and a few accessories to go on a tele body thats lining itself up as my next project.  :occasion14:
peter.k said:
Thanks for the huge welcome everyone! Gotta watch the snakes here in Melbourne. No spiders that can kill down here  :)

Nexrex, I am in Melton, practically neighbours. I do the Triathlons down at the Western Suburbs Tri Club in Altona. It's great fun dodging Jellyfish........

Cheers, Pete

thats the only reason i am scared of australia. its all the spiders that can kill you. forget slippers!

You could be afraid to be in the US if you thought about all the bears, bobcats, rattlesnakes and wolves that could get you. But, the reality is that it's highly unlikely that you're going to encounter them. Same thing in Oz. It's not like there are poisonous spiders dripping from every doorway and sharks jumping out of the ocean to eat you when you least expect it. There, like here, the news media tends to sensationalize unusual events. There's an old saying in the news business: If it bleeds, it leads!

That attitude makes it appear as though you're living in the 7th level of hell all the time, while in reality, those disasters happen rarely to a very small group of (usually) exceptionally stupid people.