
Guitar World gives Gibson credit for Joe Perry's LP Jr.

Lucky #7

Hero Member
Caption on the article on the main page where he's holding the guitar labels it as a "heavily modified Gibson Les Paul Junior". 
whaaat?! thats really disappointing. you'd think of all magazines to put 2 seconds of research into something like that it would have been GW. i was excited when i got my copy a few days ago and saw a warmoth on the front! but this kind of shoots that down a little.
The advertising dollar ratio GW receives between Gibson and Warmoth  is probably 2500:1 so I imagine Gibson might have made some noise about putting something that looked like a Les Paul on the cover and giving somebody else credit for it.
I was about to say I doubt it, but then I remembered Gibson is the company that just released a reissue of a guitar they didn't build in the first damned place.
1. People still read Guitar World? Even back in the day it was GFTPM > Guitar World.

2. The only way to make this right is to Photoshop "Warmoth" on every cool new Gibson model you see and post them in various forums
jay4321 said:
2. The only way to make this right is to Photoshop "Warmoth" on every cool new Gibson model you see and post them in various forums

The Gibsons are nowhere near as cool as Warmoths!
I for one am shocked.  Outraged I tell you!  This is the 1st instance I've ever heard of incorrect information making it to print.  I shall find solace in playing my Fender logo'd Warmoths.
SustainerPlayer said:

haha whats up with all these animated monty python smilies?! i need to know your source :icon_biggrin:

(weren't you the one who posted the Knights Who Say "Ni" one the other day?)
JaySwear said:
haha whats up with all these animated monty python smilies?! i need to know your source :icon_biggrin:

(weren't you the one who posted the Knights Who Say "Ni" one the other day?)

Love Python. Love the humour. Love when I find that in everyday life.

Can't remember where I found those. Feel free to rip my dropbox.