
graph tech saddles


does anyone have an opinion on the benefits of sticking the graphtech saddles in the wilkinson VS 100 tailpiece? (strat single-single -hum)
thnx a bunch
I replaced the saddles on a similar bridge, not the exact same model. I like them! It seems to "even out" the sound quite a bit. I lost a bit of that "Ka-Chang" but in my application it turned out to be a good thing. a really good thing. Oh and as far as string saving goes, i actually do not remember breaking a strig on that guitar...at all...It's got a graphtec nut too.
I used to break a fair few strings at the saddles on my fender highway 1.  I replaced them with graphtechs and i havnt broken a string there since.  They also sound warmer and i perceived a slight increase in sustain.
bpmorton777 said:
are you still able to ground the strings with graghtech saddles?

I think so because the strings also touch the block and stuff. But that is a good question, do the graphtech saddles conduct electricity?
RexTheDog said:
I replaced them with graphtechs and i havnt broken a string there since.  They also sound warmer and i perceived a slight increase in sustain.

Yeah I replaced the originals with graphtech's on an OFR and I reckon there's better sustain.
back2thefutre said:
bpmorton777 said:
are you still able to ground the strings with graghtech saddles?

I think so because the strings also touch the block and stuff. But that is a good question, do the graphtech saddles conduct electricity?

You are right. even if they don't conduct...they will still make contact with the block or in the case of a tune-o-matic, the tailpiece, which is grounded. I'm sure that's something they tested in development too. To give more input on the subject I can tell you that I perceived no difference in any 'noise' like humming or buzzing. It stayed as quiet as it was when I had the metal saddles.
If you have the sting thru body bridge, depending on how well the holes line up with the body and the saddles, the strings may not make contact with the base plate. Just run EMGs, no grounding required.  :icon_thumright:
bpmorton777 said:
what about us guys with the hard tial bridges?

Dude, good question. I was going to put graph tech tusq on my next build with a fender hardtail bridge. It may cause problems though so maybe I won't...

Does anybody know a definite answer on this?
back2thefutre said:
bpmorton777 said:
what about us guys with the hard tial bridges?

Dude, good question. I was going to put graph tech tusq on my next build with a fender hardtail bridge. It may cause problems though so maybe I won't...

Does anybody know a definite answer on this?
See above ^^^
On the Tele and Strat (hardtail) bridges, multiple strings usually touch the bridge as they exit the body thru the bridge before they hit the saddles.  On a T-O-M bridge, I am unsure if it's the T-O-M or the Stoptail that does the grounding.
On a T-O-M, it's the tailpiece that has the attached ground wire.
I can't imagine how they would cause a problem with grounding. Nothing wrong with calling though. They do have a toll free 800-388-7011 for specific questions. Hit extesnion 26 for their technical support rep, Morgan.  :icon_thumright:
They are non-conductive, so if the saddle is the only thing between the string and the bridge, no grounding.  On a Strat it's no issue because all of the strings anchor in the conductive trem block which is attached to the spring claw.  On a Stop Tail T-O-M, since the strings are grounded through the conductive Stop Tail, it's also a non-issue.  On a Tele however they are anchored into the ferrules which are not grounded because grounding occurs through the bridge (and bridge pickup with copper plate and screws connecting to the bridge plate from pickup or other similar type jumper).  They would get to the strings from the plate through the saddles, which if graphtech are non conductive.  But, most of the strings usually touch the string-thru holes on the bridge on a Tele. 
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
They are non-conductive, so if the saddle is the only thing between the string and the bridge, no grounding.  On a Strat it's no issue because all of the strings anchor in the conductive trem block which is attached to the spring claw.  On a Stop Tail T-O-M, since the strings are grounded through the conductive Stop Tail, it's also a non-issue.  On a Tele however they are anchored into the ferrules which are not grounded because grounding occurs through the bridge (and bridge pickup with copper plate and screws connecting to the bridge plate from pickup or other similar type jumper).  They would get to the strings from the plate through the saddles, which if graphtech are non conductive.  But, most of the strings usually touch the string-thru holes on the bridge on a Tele. 
I don't have a Tele, but I have a hardtail strat and all of the strings touch the bridge plate so it would work. But that seems kindof too iffy for me. I don't think I will do it. Ahh what the heck I'll just do it cause graphtech saddles are too cool not to :)