
GOTM Forum

And also, you guys are playing favorites with who gets build specs and who just gets a picture. :sad1:
Wyliee said:
line6man said:
And also, you guys are playing favorites with who gets build specs and who just gets a picture. :sad1:

DBU:  Yes, it is out of date.  I'll add that back to my already full plate.  Really, it's in my queue of things to chase down but has not been my top priority.

Line6:  Why on earth do you say that?
line6man said:
And also, you guys are playing favorites with who gets build specs and who just gets a picture. :sad1:

The specs and details are "owner dependent", meaning that if the GOTM winner didn't send his spec to Wyliee it won't be added to the GOTM Forum thread for that month's winner.