
Got a million?


Mythical Status
The Goldcaster...http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3F_adv_prop%3Dimage%26b%3D400%26ni%3D21%26va%3Dcustom%2Bguitar%2Bneck%2Bplate%26xargs%3D0%26pstart%3D1%26fr%3Dmy-myy&w=550&h=357&imgurl=www.instablogsimages.com%2Fimages%2F2010%2F07%2F20%2Fgoldcaster-gold-guitar_rDpNl_48.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bornrich.com%2Fentry%2Fbehold-the-1-million-goldcaster-gold-guitar%2F&size=35KB&name=Behold+The+%241+Mi...&p=custom+guitar+neck+plate&oid=5d52ab42bc217bace2e8b886b666ec7a&fr2=&no=401&tt=450&b=400&ni=21&sigr=12ai0p43b&sigi=12eekptua&sigb=13vbnj54q&.crumb=KVvRA60QiIZ
rapfohl09 said:
I think that thing is ugly...

I don't know... "ugly" might be too strong an adjective for it. But, it's certainly nothing to write home about. It's just a Tele after all, and not a particularly attractive one. I might pay $500 for it if it came with an Anvil ATA-certified case, a pair of season's passes to the Detroit Red Wings home games, and 20 cases of Molson Canadian beer. Oh, and a dwarf giraffe for Hannaugh. They're so cute! <grin>


Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! <buuurrrp>
I'd have to have a billion to even consider such a waste of money ... and even then I'd not do it.
My first response was: "Oh FFS!"

Still haven't changed that view.
you can sign up on the waiting list for one here:

I think it's best use would be to clear your way out of a bar fight! Just grab that guitar at the nut and start swinging!
Two slider switches........does anyone at all want to take a crack at how the electronics work?  The part I REALLY can't figure out is why four humbuckers?
Are they humbuckers?   The offset blades make me think they're off-set single coils for humcanceling (maybe a hybrid P90 or something), sort of like Seymour Duncan Vintage Rails or a Pbass sort of setup.  

No idea about the 2 switches, and... man... the placement of the output jack is ugly. :-)
They're definitely Alumitone pickups, which are sort of in the Lawrence-Lace Sensor-EMGhz pickup family - by fussing with the inductance, it's possible to make a powerful pickup with a flatter response, meaning it's not all midrange like an overwound PAF design. They're very clean, loud pickups - bass players like them and I've got one on my pedal steel guitar. But they ain't rock and roll pickups, and that guitar would need all the help it can get. Isn't gold really soft and ductile, like lead? Isn't that about the opposite of resonant? I'm pretty sure that you need a harder metal to make guitars, which is why aluminum, steel and brass have all been used.  :icon_scratch:


This is just goofballism run amuck, like the Swavorsky crystal guitars or something. It would appear that electric guitars are at a design peak, everybody knows how to make a great-sounding guitar - so nonsense like this is the only release people can find.
