
Good Code


Mythical Status
The mathematician in me loves this; the software engineer in me screams in pain. Mostly because it's so true, partly because we want to deny it's true and a smidge because nobody else will get it.
I debated posting it here, but I get the impression there are more than a few people posting here that understand software development, or at least can appreciate project timelines and how they ruin the best intentions.

If you enjoy that sort of humor, follow the link to XKCD and start from the beginning. It's been up for years and it's all about math, logic, and love. Too much fun.
Incidentally, you'll notice there's no connection between the start of a project and good code. Kinda reminds me of a major software provider in the northwest corner of the US <grin>
I've been a fan of XKCD for a couple months now. As a fellow math geek, I really enjoy his insight. Very refreshing and usually very close to the mark.

I interviewed at said Big Sofware Vendor. One of the weirdest and most humbling and humiliating and frustrating and glad-that's-over-with 8 hours I've ever experienced. Looking back on it now I'm really glad I didn't take it. I'm sure I would have hated working there. I spoke to a colleague who couldn't believe that I turned down the oportunity to work at The Big House. I think he was blinded by the 'prestige' of having that name on a resume. I told him that for the entire time I was there, there was a single person (yes, 1) that I thought actually cared about either the work he did, or me. I'm pretty sure that's why Big Software Vendor has so many products that resemble this workflow. And the saddest part of all is... they still do better software than 90% of the market.  Figure that one out.  :icon_scratch:
Most of the engineering houses I've worked at would consider a stint at "The Big House" a negative, kinda like hiring someone who's worked at the DMV or Social Services when you're looking for a clerk or an office worker of some sort. You know right on the going-in side that you're looking at a bureaucrat who's had any kind of work ethic, creativity, initiative or original thought beaten right out of them, no matter what level they're coming from. The chances of getting any useful work out them is somewhere between slim and none. They're almost welfare cases, although they make the place look busy.

a few of us used to do this all the time.

im not sure where it came from but once one person started doing it it spread like you wouldn't believe
Ha yeah, I'm not really in the math/engineering/software game anymore, but that flowchart fits just about perfectly into medical research too (just with a few light modifications).
i'm glad others know about xkcd.  I've been following since it had 32 pages.
fyi for new viewers, it updates every Mon/Wed/Fri with a new cartoon.