
Glass Wall Mounted Display Cabinets for Guitars


Junior Member
Like some of you guys who have been playing a while, I've accumulated a few nice guitars over the years and they can be hard to get at quickly when they are stored in their cases.

I would like to hang them on the wall but wouldn't do it because longer term they would get dust in the bridges and pickup etc.

I've come up with the idea of constructing wood and glass wall display cabinets - that way you could hang them, they'd look good, and you could grab them when you like - all the time the dust wouldn't be anymore of a problem than when they are in their cases + they would look like art on the wall.

I'm going to 3d model the cabinet and fine tune the design before I build it.

If anyone has some ideas on the subject before I start - I'd appreciate any input.

Of course I'll keep a record of the build in this thread - so anyone who likes the idea can do the same.
One of my best buds is very involved with shotgun sports, and has a very nice wood-and-glass gun cabinet. I've always wanted a similar version for guitars...

with a bunch of guitars in it!

Cool idea, I think. Can't wait to see the progress!