


Hero Member
Better in than out: African country set to make breaking wind a crime
By Colin Fernandez
Last updated at 10:36 AM on 28th January 2011

Breaking wind is set to be made a crime in an African country.
The government of Malawi plan to punish persistent offenders 'who foul the air' in a bid to 'mould responsible and disciplined citizens.'
But locals fear that pinning responsibility on the crime will be difficult - and may lead to miscarriages of justice as 'criminals' attempt to blame others for their offence.
One Malawian told the website Africanews.com: 'My goodness. What happens in a public place where a group is gathered. Do they lock up half a minibus?
'And how about at meetings where it is difficult to pinpoint 'culprits'?

'Children will openly deny having passed bad air and point at an elder. Culturally, this is very embarrassing,' she said.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1351174/African-country-set-make-breaking-wind-crime.html#ixzz1CdMcKoZu

Hehe! And people wonder why the US gets a bad name in some countries.

I mean, I'm sure the list of reasons to keep Barack Obama far away from any governmental control or influence is as long in any other country as it is here, but I'm fairly confident "eating poo-poo" isn't one of the things he encourages <grin>
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Could be worse. 

Possibly NSFW:

I'm sending that to my gay black friend.
I love their arguement.  So homophobic that they bring fecal dining into the mix as a requirement for (and limited only to) being gay.  There's weird folks everywhere of either orientation.

I'll just nip this in the bud now.  My post isn't political, and if Uganda made it so, that's on them.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
I love their arguement.  So homophobic that they bring fecal dining into the mix as a requirement for (and limited only to) being gay.  There's weird folks everywhere of either orientation.

I saw a show on Current TV where they featured that guy and his movement for an hour, it is scary what they are preaching and what they want to do.
Religion can be scary as zealots seam to go overboard on one nit picky part of something.

Disclaimer, I am not trying to be political or anti religious, just pointing out the way people use things to go overboard on ideas they have agendas about
no left wing religious zealots preaching homophobic hatred were injured in this post although I wish I had
I see his entire argument isn't about homosexuality, but on a fetish that doesn't just stay to one group.
Ladies can do that to other ladies, and in male/female in either direction.
I'm sorry, I realize that they're hateful and scary and all that... but I laughed through the whole video.  They sound like they're reading a comedy routine for 4 year olds.  I haven't heard anyone use the word "poo poo" that many times since kindergarten.  Ridiculous. 
AutoBat said:
I see his entire argument isn't about homosexuality, but on a fetish that doesn't just stay to one group.
Ladies can do that to other ladies, and in male/female in either direction.

The video is filled with logical fallacies. The video was hilarious for that reason, plus the fact that what the guy was saying was freaking hilarious in it's own right. :blob7:
When the forum's auto-word-replace uses the word "ice cream" to replace another less family friendly word, this is not the ice cream it means is it?

BTW, there's an auto tune version of the video.
Man, am I crazy or it has deleted all the 193817 pages and start again.... Think everybody will be a little sad, but will feel a little more safe :laughing7:
NonsenseTele said:
Man, am I crazy or it has deleted all the 193817 pages and start again.... Think everybody will be a little sad, but will feel a little more safe :laughing7:

Sorry, Nando - that thread is still around, this one is a new thread with a very similar title, based on a scatological reference. Gas, in this case, having to do with the digestive system.

Childish, but true.


On a similar note, other parts of Africa seem to have an odd approach to the whole region. Someone posted this story on facebook a while ago.

Kiweweesi Bum Sex Scandal Deepens

Pastor Kiweweesi’s bum shafting scandal has taken a dangerously amazing twist! Five other boys have come up and claim the pastor also assaulted them sexually and terrorised their behinds.

Pastor Isaac Kyobe Kiweweesi is the senior pastor of Kansanga Miracle Centre which he started in 1992 from humble beginnings. David Arinaitwe, a member of the church since 2002, on Monday opened Pandora’s Box and accused Kiweweesi of rocking from the rear. Arinaitwe said the pastor sodomised him and convinced him to keep it a secret.

He said the man of God, who is married, is a raging homosexual and sadomasochist like the legendary Max Mosley of Formula One. Kiweweesi, who brands himself as a righteous man of God, has been shamed and his name lies in complete tatters after Arinaitwe opened up a criminal case at Kabalagala police Station.

This stuff is hilarious.
