
Friggin computers


Hero Member
So I swapped internet providers the other day
and tomorrow is my last day with the other one so I had to set up the new modem/wireless router today
What a friggin PITA that was, I mean with the technology we have today do you think we could get someone to be able to make a plug and play modem, why do you always have to call tech support and do this and that, type this before it works!!!!!!!
I mean, This is 2010, not 1965, we have the technology to do this guys!!!!!!!!

End Rant, I am on so I got it to work
Use apple and an apple time capsule. Took me 10 minutes from open of the box tosurfing the net.
:glasses9: I believe they work with pc's too. And it backs your computer up wirelessly with it's 1 or 2 terabyte hardrive.
The only thing that's kept me from using a time capsule is the poor reviews that they have gotten because they supposedly tend to fail after about 2-3 years.  I do love my Macbook Pro though!
I've heard this as well - but mine keeps on runnin.  and yes, I use it with both my mac and a PC (which is what I'm typing this on)
if you hate Time Machine, I have heard from many friends that Super Duper! http://www.shirt-pocket.com/SuperDuper/SuperDuperDescription.html

is very easy to use.