
Frampton-ish Agile


Hero Member
So while Rondo Music has such a sloooow time getting new lefty models in stock (you righties have it good), I came
up with an idea for my next Agile LP (yes, I'm getting a handful of 'em):

Take one of these:




Mix in a little bit of this:


Add a couple of my own ideas and wind up with this (with Agile headstock, not Gibson of course):


I would do the gold pickup bobbin screws as well (Kisekae does not offer this in builder)...  :icon_thumright:
It's amazing what a difference new knobs can make.  Those gold knobs will look a bajillion times better on the black finish than the black knobs do.  That was the first thing i did on my Ibanez Artcore: replaced the black knobs with (lefty) gold speed knobs and swapped out the black p'up rings & switch tip for cream ones...it looks like a completely different guitar now.
jalane said:
It's amazing what a difference new knobs can make.  Those gold knobs will look a bajillion times better on the black finish than the black knobs do.  That was the first thing i did on my Ibanez Artcore: replaced the black knobs with (lefty) gold speed knobs and swapped out the black p'up rings & switch tip for cream ones...it looks like a completely different guitar now.
