
First Warmoth! Green SG!


Haven't thought of a name for her yet, I figured I would do that once she's all put together... But DAMN she's pretty! I love that green! I just wanna lick it! :icon_tongue:

All I have are pics of the body right now, but hardware and neck will be coming soon hopefully. My little bro is the one holding it btw (Like you care). Haha, so anyway, it's all mahogany with a transparent green finish. It has the contoured heel and routed for humbuckers (I'm planning on putting a gibson 57' classic at the neck, and a classic + at the bridge).

But yeah, I just had to vent my excitement! If there's anything anyone else wants to know about this project let me know... I'm just too distracted to think right now by that green...  :tard:

Hmmm... I seem to be having trouble with the pics.  :icon_scratch: I'll try and just post them as comments.
Yeah so... How the heck do you post pics?  ???
I clicked on the "Attach files" thing and it keeps telling me that "The post could not be saved"... I hate computers.  :doh:
host the images somewhere like xs.to or waffleimages or something

copy the direct links, dont bother with the ones they provide, just copy the DIRECT links

inside of image tags "[img.]" for the first one and then "[/img.]" for the second one (without the quote marks and without the periods), place each link you have for each image you have hosted

so they'll look like: [img.]http://xs.to/hostedimages/YOURIMAGE.jpg[/img.] (again without the periods)

i usually then like to hit preview to make sure the text makes sense with the photos, &c.

also dont host HUGE photos, because this forums software sucks and only provides scroll bars at the bottom of posts, so sometimes you can only "scroll around" on a photo... when any meaningful part of the photo is off of your screen

if you dont like that, you can just post the image links, and people can click them to go to your images.  sometimes that actually works best, and used to be the way people did it in the dark ages when it wasnt simply assumed that your connection was fast enough to have a bajillion images on a page
Max said:
Email the pics to me  :icon_thumright:

Ok cool... I think the pics are just too big, and I'm way too technologically illiterate to figure out how to make em work... Maybe I'll get a link up somehow.


damn I wondered where that body went to!! I eyeballed that joker for weeks debating on whether or not I should pull the trigger...
Finch said:
=CB= said:
There ARE folks who just go ga-ga over SG's.


thats a hilarious image

I really like the SG body, especially since getting my SG style bass together.

Yeah, I've always liked the way the SG bodies feel. The upper fret access is just insane!  :headbang1:... And that is a funny picture. Lol
Schlieren said:
also dont host HUGE photos, because this forums software sucks and only provides scroll bars at the bottom of posts, so sometimes you can only "scroll around" on a photo... when any meaningful part of the photo is off of your screen

it would appear somebody missed this fine detail