First build: Wrong bridge routing


Junior Member

So it's getting closer... In less than 3 weeks from now, I will place my first Warmoth order ever!

I have a clear vision of what I want and regarding the specs, this one (for example) is more or less exactly what I'll be going for:

The thing is that I really don't want a tremolo on my upcoming guitar. I have trems on all my other guitars and since I don't use them too much I will be going for a non-trem this time.

But I've realized that pretty much every single nice Warmoth guitar I've been into has "Your Choice Tremolo Bridge Routing"... At least the rear-routed-flamed-maple-on-alder -with-contoured-heel-strats I've seen...  :-\

In this case, when everything is perfect except the bridge routing, what options do I have?

Thanks! :)

(Perhaps I should add, building a body from scratch (in the Body Builder, I mean) is not an option. Since this is my first Warmoth I feel that would be a bit... Overkill, I guess. So I'll pick one from the Showcase.)
That is in the case of a showcase (already produced) model.  They gave it an generic route to a whammy.  IF you order your own, it will not have that route, unless you want it.  You are just seeing that one option.  Here is one for a hardtail similar to yours:



Bottom line if you either find a combo you want in the showcase, or have them make your own design.  The possabilities are endless.

Good luck
You don't have to build a body from scratch; Warmoth will do that for you. The bodies in the Showcase are just the ones they have already built on speculation that they'll sell. If you find one there you like, it takes a lot of time off delivery and ~10% off the price. Because they're built to match historical purchasing habits, 99% of Strat bodies are going to be at least partially routed for a trem; that's typically how most people want them.

You can go into the "Body Builder" section and spec out that same body/finish without any trem routing at all (and maybe with something that body doesn't have). Difference is it'll probably take about 8 to 10 weeks to get it and it'll cost slightly more.

Another option that might be available to you depends on which bridge you want to use. Some bridges screw right onto the top face of the guitar, such as a Fender American Flat Mount, Vintage Strat Style or Hipshot Hardtail. If you use one of those, you could just put a trem cavity cover on the back and forget about that big hole. But, if you want something that mounts on posts like a TOM, Gotoh 510 or Schaller 456, you'd be out of luck.
My bad I wasn't clear enough... (fixed the original post)

I won't build my own body in the Body Builder, partly because of the price and partly because of the time it will take. So I'll go for some-body in the Showcase.

Yeah I'm not really a big fan of the TOM look, so I'll probably end up with the American Flat Mount or something similar (the Hipshot Hardtail looks really nice by the way, I'll look that one up for sure). Would it be possible to - as you say - just forget about the trem cavity? I mean, the wood seems to be rather thin (and therefore weak...?) right at the bridge spot.

As always, thanks for the quick replies!  :icon_thumright:
It depends on the bridge. I don't have an unassembled Strat body laying around at the moment, but I do have one of those Hipshot bridges loose and it looks like the mounting points would go into the solid body wood, missing the cavity below the surface.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid I spoke too soon anyway. Any of the hardtail bridges I mentioned have the strings fed from the rear and you wouldn't be able to do that if it was routed for a trem.

One of the members here, Scartozi, designed a hardtail bridge that would fit in a trem-routed body. It's an interesting piece of work. You might search on that.

Another thing you could do is put a block in there. Get one the right size, glue it up and put it in, then attach the bridge. When the screws from the bridge plate go into the block, they should pull it in tight and get the glue joint good and strong. You would need to drill the string holes through the block though, or get a top-loading bridge.
Ok I see.

Putting in a block in the hole is of course an option but yeah, it'd be a top-loader then. (And speaking of top-loaded bridges by the way, would perhaps the Schaller 475 do the job?)

The Scartozi hardtail looks very cool, I'll keep that in mind.
The 475 might be an option. You'd have to call Warmoth and ask them if the mounting screws would miss the cavity below and hit solid wood. Chances are if they don't know off the top of their head, at least they've got the bridge and a healthy supply of bodies to check it out. It'd be good knowledge to have - you're not the first person who's lamented the dearth of hardtail Strat bodies in the Showcase.
Personally, I would (in no particular order):

1. Order what I want.
2. Wait on the right hard tail body in the showcase (or look at other body styles currently there where trems are less ubiquitous).
3. Block the trem or install a tremol-no or tremsetter (I usually do this anyway) or use 5 springs or whatever.
Did I miss something?  Is this another "the showcase doesn't have EXACTLY what I'd custom order" thread?

Many times the showcase will have something close enough that the wait and time savings are enough to make one settle on an item that isn't quite what they want.  I like the color but not the bridge or vice versa.  Or in some cases, the showcase shows you something you didn't know you couldn't live without and it's right there taunting your credit card.
Knowing the issue cost presents, if you find an otherwise perfect guitar, I'd go the blocked trem route (or wait for the perfect body to show up).
Is saving 10% on a body or neck really that much when spread out over the cost of an entire build?  It usually ends up averaging 1/3 for finished neck, 1/3 for finished body, 1/3 for all the hardware.  Of course it isn't hard and fast as somethings may be splurged on and some areas skimped on.  By the time over a grand has been dropped, did 10% off a 1/3 of the project, anywhere from $30 to $100, really make a difference?  Especially if saving $30 to $100 means compromising what you really want on a custom instrument?
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Did I miss something?  Is this another "the showcase doesn't have EXACTLY what I'd custom order" thread?

No, that's exactly what this is.

It should be perfectly clear what options are available. If you don't like what the showcase has, you can either custom order, or use a tremolo in a hardtail configuration. Or use a tremolo normally.
:icon_scratch:  If ya want a Hard Tail ...... why one earth are you looking at ones that have a Tremolo rout  :dontknow:
All thou I souldn't really talk  :toothy11:

I bought this
Then use Scartozi bridge on it.

Here's what ya want to look at ....,Standard&bClass=195&sort=date

Keep it as a search, and keep looking in there, sometimes to right one might come up.  :icon_thumright:
First, yes, this is another of those "the showcase doesn't have EXACTLY what I'd custom order" thread!  :icon_thumright:

Second, this is the answer I got from Warmoth:
Thank you for writing.  Unfortunately, you cannot use a hard tail type bridge on a body that is already routed for a trem.  The wood on top of the body is not thick enough to support the bridge.  An option would be to have the body routed for a Vintage 6 hole trem, and then block the tremolo to convert the guitar to hard tail.

So for now, I will be waiting and hoping for the perfect body to show up in the showcase. We'll see how things turns out...
If you just continue to set aside the same amount of money per month that you have been while you wait on the showcase, you should easily be able to just custom order exactly what you want.  Sure there's still the longer wait for building, but at least it'll be exactly what you want right away.
Ok, I might have found a solution that I'm actually happy with, there's just one question left.

Please answer yes or no (of course I'd prefer a yes, but please be honest with me...  :toothy11: ).

- Would a Hipshot Hardtail fit on a Warmoth strat drilled for Vintage Strat Flat Mount bridge?
I do not think so.  the mounting holes look like they are in the trem cavity.
Stew MAC states they are a "Finely crafted bridge for non-tremolo solidbodies"
JonatanOTG said:
- Would a Hipshot Hardtail fit on a Warmoth strat drilled for Vintage Strat Flat Mount bridge?

If we're talking about the Hipshot 41100 style bridge, the mounting holes line up nicely but the string-thru holes are slightly off. I have that situation with a Strat here. The body is drilled for Vintage Strat Hardtail, but I have the Hipshot bridge. The Hipshot seems to have Vintage mounting holes, but AmStd string holes.

I'm gonna use it anyway, because that's the way I roll <grin>

The strings holes aren't that far off; I'm just going to open 'em up a tad and it'll work out fine.