
Epitaph (King Crimson)


Junior Member
All Warmoth; two Teles and a Strat. The acoustic is one of those formica-bodied Martins plus some software acoustics doubling it.


I filled my Soundcloud page up and switched to Hearthis.at which is more user-friendly even if it has less reach. Since virtually nobody listens to my stuff I don't care at all about reach.  https://hearthis.at/tyrannocaster/

The original is one hell of a song!
@Tyrannocaster: Great version of an awesome song - Congrats !!

The sad story is that most of the nowadays listerners are not able (willing ?) to listen to songs that are longer than 3 1/2 minutes. That is probably a price to pay for our fast-paced and information-flooded society ...

All the best and a Merry Christmas time  :icon_thumright:
