
Epic Fail iPhone 4


Senior Member
So it turns out the iPhone is perfect apart from one small flaw.. you lose your signal if you hold it !.
Seriously, what the hell is going on. This is a major design flaw. It seems to be that companies no long give a toss about quality control, they just hype it and watch the money roll in. I've got a Nokia N97, it's their 'flagship' device, costs $600 and if you go to the Nokia discussion groups you'll see the thousands of problem posts. I have no end of problems with not charging / crashing etc, and Nokia don't even acknowledge the problem. So far, Apple are refusing to comment on this, despite the myriad Youtube videos showing the epic failure.  :sad1:
Panthur said:
So it turns out the iPhone is perfect apart from one small flaw.. you lose your signal if you hold it !.
Seriously, what the hell is going on. This is a major design flaw. It seems to be that companies no long give a toss about quality control, they just hype it and watch the money roll in. I've got a Nokia N97, it's their 'flagship' device, costs $600 and if you go to the Nokia discussion groups you'll see the thousands of problem posts. I have no end of problems with not charging / crashing etc, and Nokia don't even acknowledge the problem. So far, Apple are refusing to comment on this, despite the myriad Youtube videos showing the epic failure.  :sad1:

That is why I hate, and refuse to buy anything with that stupid-ass piece of fruit on it.

Yes, they make some cool shit, but not for the asinine costs they charge and the 'drink the coolaide' mentality
of most Apple users leaves me feeling nauseous. Not to mention that with any products you buy - its iTunes for
anything you might possibly want, and if you can't get it via them, you're SOL.
ORCRiST said:
That is why I hate, and refuse to buy anything with that stupid-ass piece of fruit on it.

I know what you mean... :icon_jokercolor:
