If 7 strings isn't enough for you, or you think Ibanez's 8 string monster is child's play...
Okay, seriously though, a really nice article on parallel fourths tuning. Most of the guys on internet proclaiming all fourths are avant guard jazz chord melody guys. Occasionally a shredder will decide to tune all fourths. But it really doesn't have to belong exclusively to those guys - it's a really really cool system, and I find it immensely helpful for earprovising.
Okay, seriously though, a really nice article on parallel fourths tuning. Most of the guys on internet proclaiming all fourths are avant guard jazz chord melody guys. Occasionally a shredder will decide to tune all fourths. But it really doesn't have to belong exclusively to those guys - it's a really really cool system, and I find it immensely helpful for earprovising.