
Duncan Alnico 2 Pro Humbucker

The kid that plays guitar for my girlfriend's son's band and his Dad tried to install a set in one of those $400 Epiphone flame top LPs and miswired/burned the cheap ass pots all up, so it got dumped on me to rewire. I must say the stock wiring/components in those aren't even the equivalent of a $199 Squire...

Anyhoo; after rewiring the whole deal properly with CTS pots/Sprague caps I tried playing it a bit and was VERY unimpressed, had never used those pickups (kid have to have him because he claims they're what Slash uses...) I'd recommend '59 PAFs, Pearly Gates, or something like a Jazz neck/JB bridge combo instead, as all those sound better to me than the Alnico V Pros....
I do really dig an Alnico II Pro Humbucker for a neck position pickup. Cleans up well with a warm rich tone, at least in Mahogany bodies.
Gregg Stewart said:
I do really dig an Alnico II Pro Humbucker for a neck position pickup. Cleans up well with a warm rich tone, at least in Mahogany bodies.

I too liked the neck pickup, but the bridge pickup isn't really a good match for it, at least I didn't think so.  Too bright, not enough balls.
I have an A2 8.3K HighOrder in the bridge of my Paul.  I don't find it too bright at all.  It's not the A2 Pro, but I would think it would be similar.  My Paul is rather warm-ish though with the rosewood unfinished neck.  I like the asymmetrical wind I used on the bridge also....makes for a great complex distorted tone with a bit of a snarl on the top end.  I've never tried an A2 in a brighter guitar though (maple for example)