
Double Expanding Bass Neck Truss Rod


Senior Member
Hi all,

Is "Double Expanding Bass Neck Truss Rod" the default setup for all Warmoth bass necks?
(see http://www.warmoth.com/Bass/Necks/TrussRods.aspx)

In other words, should I have asked for such a truss rod or is it the Warmoth bass neck truss rod default?

I hope it's the default truss rod found in every Warmoth bass necks...

Thanks for any reply.
What type of neck did you get? All bass necks have this truss rod, or even two if you went the Gecko 6 route.
I asked for a standard J-Bass neck

But my question is a bit stupid, here's what we can see at the very beginning of the neck builder for a J-Bass neck :

Standard Features:
34" scale with extra 21st fret
"Super Bass" construction ==================> http://www.warmoth.com/Bass/Necks/BassNeckAnatomy.aspx (here's the answer to my question...)
1/4" thick slab fingerboard
Slim back contour
10" fingerboard radius
Standard 2-1/2" wide vintage fender heel specs

So, yes, it's a double-expanding truss rod :

"Two steel stiffening bars, plus our double-expanding truss rod, together make for our exclusive "Triple Reinforced" Super Bass system that creates an extremely sturdy and reliable neck"

Fortunately !!!
I wouldn't worry too much about Warmoth bass necks. I'm pretty sure with all the metal in there, you could get one made out of balsa and play clean through it before it would warp.