
Does this make any sense to anyone?


Hero Member
I changed the nut on my Strat from plastic to bone and now my neck pickup sounds different. It's too smooth now. It's bassier, has less bite, almost sounds muffled. I don't get it. Is this a normal side effect of changing a nut? :icon_scratch:

And before anyone asks, I have played with the height, adjusting it the full range from too low to too high. I can live with the sound because it's not awful, but it's nowhere near as nice as it used to be. And I'd like to get it back if possible.
Not a stupid question, since that's exactly what it sounds like, but no, the tone is all the way up. I must've checked at least 837 times.  :laughing7:
Another stupid question - does it sound muffled when you capo it up a fret or two as well?
mayfly said:
Another stupid question - does it sound muffled when you capo it up a fret or two as well?

That I don't know, but it sounds the same all over the neck, if that's any help...

AutoBat said:
Captain Obvious says: you might need a new new nut

I've thought about that too, but I'd like to know what exactly happened before replacing the nut again. You know, so I don't make the same mistake again? And the fact that the bridge pickup sounds fine seems odd...
The nut will only impact the sound in a "hear-able" degree on open strings. If the problem is there on fretted stings- look elsewhere for the problem. A bad soldering showing up perhaps. 
ErogenousJones said:
...the fact that the bridge pickup sounds fine seems odd...

No, it's not odd. It should sound fine. As previously mentioned, the nut should only affect the tone of open strings and it's certainly not pickup selective. You have something else going on, most likely in the wiring. Shuffling things around has caused either a short or an open somewhere that needs to be resolved.
In my experience a bone nut does sometimes mellow things out. Usually in a good way though. It is very strange that a global change like a nut would only affect one pickup. Now depending on the pickups, the bridge might be super hot and tonally sexy and kind of overcome the deficiencies that a faulty nut might create and since the bridge pickup is mellower and lower output it could just be more evident in that position. Did you do the nut yourself? You say it is a strat. Is it a real strat or a clone? Iv'e seen a curved nut placed in a flat slot and cause poopytone. The nut still has some effect on tone even on fretted notes. People will argue til death over this but it is true. It's not a huge effect but it is there none the less. If it is certainlt on the bridge pup only I would look to wiring and components.
Guess it's just a coincidence. I sorta figured as much, 'cause things just didn't add up otherwise. I'll take a peek at the wiring and see what I can find. On the other hand...

AutoBat said:
You should order a whole new W guitar to be certain your problem goes away.

I like this idea.  :laughing7:

Pablo: It's a partscaster, not a "real" Strat, and I did the nut myself (but it's not a curved nut in a flat slot...). Also, I lawled at "tonally sexy" and especially at "poopytone".