
Couldn't find the non-guitar woodworking project thread...


Hero Member
My wife is a teacher. She's a great teacher.
I saw this thing at Hospital for Sick Kids in Toronto where they gave kids with chronic disease a bead for every clinic visit, blood test, MRI, surgery, ICU stay etc. They called them bravery beads, and the kids wore their necklaces with pride.

Somehow that got connected to my wife's class discipline system. Somehow. Beads for good behavior or academic improvement blah blah. Not my problem. Just my fault for making the connection.

And I quote "Where am I going to put the necklaces so that they don't play with them...?"

Answer: "Why don't I make you a tree... thing... that... you know... right?"

Made a jig that held various sized dowels at an angle on my drill press, used 1 3/4, 7/8ths, and 3/8ths dowels to make branches, drilled a bunch of holes in 4x4 I bolted onto a plywood base, with roots and stuff.

Didn't feel like finishing the branches - told my wife to make the kids paint them. Great idea.



Turned out pretty good.
THat's awesome.  If you don't mind, Marty, I'm going to share that on Facebook - I have a lot of family members who are teachers and would likely find this quite useful and fun.

VERY cool, Marty. I love that the kids painted it, as well. Adds just the right touch to the project. Internet high five!  :occasion14:
Yes, letting the kids have a hand in it makes it theirs, so they're much more likely to care for it, and more importantly, actually use it.
Very cool project

Marty Goats said:
My wife is a teacher. She's a great teacher.
I saw this thing at Hospital for Sick Kids in Toronto where they gave kids with chronic disease a bead for every clinic visit, blood test, MRI, surgery, ICU stay etc. They called them bravery beads, and the kids wore their necklaces with pride.

A friend of mine from university is an RN there.