
Completely uneducated guitar builder


Hello my fellow guitar lovers,

I was wondering if anyone could give me a complete list of all the guitar parts I would need to purchase to completely construct my own guitar.  I've been playing for a few years now and I would love to put together my own rig,

I know I'll need a body and neck and pick ups, but there are SO many options to wrap my head around. 

There is one thing I know I want for sure and that's the tele body shape that's unfinished.  If there is a simpler body that is easy to wire I wont complain because I want this first build to be as painless as possible (And reletivly cheap...)

So if anyone could help me out I would really appreciate it.

Thanks a ton,
Hopeful axe builder  :headbang1:
Here are a couple of older threads with parts lists -


-String Nut
-Neck Screws
-Neck plate (or screw ferules)
-Strap Buttons
-Pickguard or Pickup Rings
-Output Jack
-Volume Control
-Tone Control(s)  (optional)
-Knobs for Controls
-Pickup Selector Switch (if multiple pickups)
-18 to 22 gauge Wire for Electronics
-Pickguard Screws (if using a pickguard)
- Back Plate Screws (if  Using a vibrato bridge)
-Finish Materials (unless you're having it finished professionally)
-Carbon-Graphite shielding paint for Electronics Cavity (optional)

These are the basics. I'm sure there are a few small miscellaneous items I may have missed.


inlays (if making your own neck)
side markers (if making your own neck)
String hold downs if needed
String Nut
frets (if making your own neck)
truss rod (if making your own neck)
pickguard if needed
neck pickup if desired
bridge pickup if desired
middle pickup if desired
tailpiece (depending on bridge)
string thru ferrules if needed
string thru top ferrules if needed
switch as required
switchplate as required
volume pot(s) as required
tone pot(s) as required
jack plate as required
knobs as required
switch tip as required
strap buttons as required
neck plate
tone capacitor as required
rear cover as required
pickup rings as required
switch ring as required
decal as desired
some sort of finish if you're so inclined
rear trem cover if needed/wanted
f/hole if wanted (I hate those cheap imported f/holes, get an American Made one!)
and all the screws to hold it all together!~

An easier design to wire up, would be the LP junior style.

One pickup, have it rear routed with the larger control cavity so you have plenty of room to wire it up! No switch required just volume and tone  (if you want them). A Tele with one pickup (like an Esquire) still has the challenge of the tight control cavity in the traditional design for a Tele, and the need for a control plate over the top of it.
=CB= said:
Is there an echo in here?

You, me and Street Avenger all posted with 3 minutes of each other, just concidence.

I just logged on......  :dontknow:
you will also need a decent guitarist. more important than what's in you rig, is how well you play it.
OzziePete said:
An easier design to wire up, would be the LP junior style.

One pickup, have it rear routed with the larger control cavity so you have plenty of room to wire it up! No switch required just volume and tone  (if you want them). A Tele with one pickup (like an Esquire) still has the challenge of the tight control cavity in the traditional design for a Tele, and the need for a control plate over the top of it.

+1 to the Les Paul Junior style.  Its pure simplicity and pure rock and roll.  You can't go wrong (not that you'd go wrong with the tele either, but the LP Jr. is a simpler beast).
Do necks from warmoth come with all the screws and things you need to attach to the body? Same with pick UPS and other things?
When you Order a completed body,completed neck, pickguard, tuners, bridge, knobs... basically. when you buy 80% of your guitar from Warmoth, minus Pick-ups, Neck bolts and a Laser Etched Neck plate.

will warmoth be able to tell you what and how much of each screw and bolt to buy?

I really only need like, 8 of this and 6 of that. so buying bulk bags of those... seems stupid...
Part of guitar creation is the path on which you travel to get from concept to idea.

Resist the "I need to have everything all here, all at the same time, and get it all assembled now" methods.

Be creative.  Use your noggin.  Get to a point, and evaluate your position.  Call on help from further on down the road.  Being at a loss for the right screw, or the right drill or the right... whatever... you get creative, you find new sources (aka the marine supply store!), you learn what you need, and why its needed.


This ain't some cake your bakin', git-tar boy!