Coffee's about the only thing left I can get all druggie about - it is in the rituals, you know - and it is really surprising how easy it is to make great coffee out of any old bean. There is a single factory in China that makes ALL the coffe makers thereby specializing in destroying American minds with some seriously-evil "out-gassing" Bisphenol-A and endocrine disruptors called "phthalates." One of them grows your breasts and/or makes you sterile, one does the heart disease and cancer too, as well as the ol' Al's hymers ( or however you spell it).* I have an old grinder with dull blades, so instead of slicing the beans it pulverizes them into dust = good. And you get the silvery/goldy "permanent filters" but then you stick a paper filter in that. The cone ones are a bit better, but the flattish cylindrical ones are OK - as long as it's pre-Chinese phthalates-murderous part. Take the pot and the filter basket out of the machine, set the basket right on the pot, put silvey/goldy in their, caper, atomized coffee, keep pouring almost-boiling water on it for a while. You can just throw the machine away, unless you... ummm... want to drop bugs on the warmer to see who's bug's fastest? It's pretty creepy to goog "plastic taste coffee machines" or somesuch because it's been going on for years now - I threw one out at least prior to 2008 - and apparently, most people have... just gotten USED TO IT? You stoopid Americans! You'll drink anything! One thing the human species does better than anyone is acclimating to ANYTHING at all. I have been in recovery from TV for at least four years now, but I remember somebody told me "The Sopranos" was the best show on TV! So I watched some it was absolutely hideous, typically-trite Hollywood crap. And yes - it was the best thing on TV! Do you remeber when Ovation then Takamine came out with those ridiculous $2.99 plastic ukelele-sounding "onboard pickup" piezo (pr. piss-SAY-so) crapulastic garbage guitars? And by now, that's just how "guitars" are SUPPOSED TO SOUND and you can turn on the "Grand Ol' Oprey (YOU can, I ain't got TEEV) and watch the bluegrass bands - the violin player steps up to the mike for the violin solo, and the dobro guy steps up to the mike for the dobro solo, and the BA@Ngg.. the BAA... o christ don't make me say it the guy with the round thing steps up to the mike for whatever-the-hell but the guitar player doesn't HAVE TO - cause he's got a TAKAMINE squeezy-plastic-bathtub-duck-sounding guitar-shaped... THING (surely leeching phthalates up his schnoz by now, stuff must keep you going like a snort of grand ol' formaldehyde) and plays HIS tortuous plasticine squee-ee-eeks....
Did you know that "everybody's" favorite Sopranos show was the one where Stupid and Big nose take a Russian to the woods and he runs away and they get cold? Yep, there's an epic... Of course MY favorite was the LAST one, especially after it WAS OVER, but anyway this guy is a trained Russian commando and they put him in trunk but he wasn't dead and the ground was hard so they give him the shovel - TO DIG HIS OWN GRAVE, THIS KILLER-TYPE DUDE - but he hits the stupid guy with the shovel, who falls over, then he hits the other guy with the shovel, who was already teetering precariously because of the weight of his NOSE so he falls over - then this trained deadly RUSSIAN killer - drops the shovel, turns his back on two guys, with guns, who took him out in the woods to KILL him, hence the shovel/hole/ground shit - and he (the DEADLY Russian KILLER) begins prancing AWAY from then through the snowbanks THEM WITH THE GUNS... I mean this isn't even crap on a biscuit, this is crap on a stale off-brand frito imitation.
I mean, NO. The (huge, enormous, strong, killer) guy with the shovel hits the stupid guy ONE MORE TIME with the shovel, thereby likely separating him from his HEAD, then he hits the big nose ONE MORE TIME (likewise); then he gets both the guns, all the money, the car, the girl, the Emmy nom... what crap. Only problem you'd have to watch four more years of TV about the Russian instead of bignose and stupid, but hell, you'll watch anything anyway.
By the way, I think the coffee work out OK, my spelling got better at least.
*( :laughing3