
clear coat or oil finish


Hey guys,

So this is something i've been flip-flopping daily for the past few weeks.  Getting ready to put an order in this week for a neck and body, but i can't quite decide if i want to do a tung oil (or tru-oil) finish myself, or have warmoth just do a hard clear gloss or satin finish for me.

I like the concept of the oil finish enhancing the wood of the body (walnut on mahogany), but i also know excatly what i'm gonna get with a professional clear finish on there.  I see both options as really nice and although i know i won't go wrong either way... i have a serious case of indecisiveness on this

anyone care to help persuade me in either direction?  :toothy11:
If you're buying new, I'd pay Warmoth to do it. They do a superlative, professional job for a reasonable price. You could finish it yourself, but if you know anything about finishing, you know that's an appreciable amount of work and a time-consuming process. Unless what you want isn't available otherwise, you're financially strapped, or somebody's paying you to do it, it hardly seems worth it. Plus, Warmoth will use polyurethane, which takes a lot of abuse for a long time and looks good while doing it.
Cagey said:
If you're buying new, I'd pay Warmoth to do it. They do a superlative, professional job for a reasonable price. You could finish it yourself, but if you know anything about finishing, you know that's an appreciable amount of work and a time-consuming process. Unless what you want isn't available otherwise, you're financially strapped, or somebody's paying you to do it, it hardly seems worth it. Plus, Warmoth will use polyurethane, which takes a lot of abuse for a long time and looks good while doing it.

Warmoth did an excellent job with the clear on my neck.  That neck should be in a museum. 
hickup said:
Hey guys,

So this is something i've been flip-flopping daily for the past few weeks.  Getting ready to put an order in this week for a neck and body, but i can't quite decide if i want to do a tung oil (or tru-oil) finish myself, or have warmoth just do a hard clear gloss or satin finish for me.

I like the concept of the oil finish enhancing the wood of the body (walnut on mahogany), but i also know excatly what i'm gonna get with a professional clear finish on there.  I see both options as really nice and although i know i won't go wrong either way... i have a serious case of indecisiveness on this

anyone care to help persuade me in either direction?   :toothy11:

While I respect Cagey's opinion, I would suggest the contrary. I had pretty much zero experience with this and with a little reading and patience was able to achieve what to me look like professional quality results:

The other advantage is the feeling of knowing you did it yourself. It makes me feel more connected to the instrument (pardon the cheesiness there).
On the contrary, if you don't like tinkering with things and just "want it done" then Warmoth doing it is not a bad idea.

Either way, enjoy it!
Thanks for the replies!

I'm not brave enough to attempt a poly-type coat myself (partialdoctor- your DIY finish came out amazing!).  Basically i was hoping to field opinions on whehter i should get a (professional) poly finish, or do a tru-oil / tung oil finish myself.  

The $ to have warmoth do this isn't a factor in my decision.  This guitar also won't be a gigging guitar- mostly played around the house snf while i don't imagine many opportunities for abuse- that being said, i do have an infant and a 70 lb dog so i'm sure some will present themselve)

thanks kindly
TruOiled mahogany with a couple super light dusted coats of satin deft look absolutely amazing. :headbang1:
wow, my mistake- i skimmed your link just before i headed off to work this morning and i just assumed it was a clear poly finish.  Looks nice indeed :)
Yeah, it's one of the nicest Tru-Oil finishes I've ever seen. I knew you could get good results with the stuff, but never thought it could look that good.