
Carbon Footprint?

Another victim sacrifices herself for Truth and Justice.  I understand her case was dismissed (due to her lack of cooperation and failure to present any evidence beyond her initial statement) and she then turned to the Nat'l Enquirer's oh-so-ethical arms for warmth and succor.  If she's an on-call masseuse with any experience at all, it's hardly the first time someone tried to get a happy ending. 

Don't get me wrong, I think Al's prob'ly as slimey as the allegations propose - I happen to think, however, that he's more right than wrong about global warming.  And that's why this news bothers me.  It makes me sad when folks who are trying to do their idea of good works shoot themselves in the foot, morally speaking.  This is as true of the right wingers as the lefties.  That said, this looks to me like just another in a string of millions of instances of a famous person forgetting how the rest of us live and presuming on his privileged status.  Droit de seigneur, transposed to modern society, so to speak.

Elsewhere in the news, Al giving a "come hither" look?  Yikes!
I do not really care much for Mr. Gore.

But I do not understand that "sex acts" can be a deciding factor for who people trust an office/job or not?
bagman67 said:
Elsewhere in the news, Al giving a "come hither" look?  Yikes!

HAH!  :o

And here's the "look", in all its horrifying glory:

Max said:

:laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3:


:laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3:


seriously though. Just cuz he has some scandalous w/e with a call girl has absolutely no correlation to whether or not his campaign about global warming is right or wrong. I don't get why people try and use this kind of stuff to invalidate a person's credibility. If we all found out Albert Einstein was a total sleeze, it wouldn't have meant the Theory of Relativity was wrong.
SustainerPlayer said:
I do not really care much for Mr. Gore.

But I do not understand that "sex acts" can be a deciding factor for who people trust an office/job or not?

When the position sought, or held, is one of public trust, where the individual is expected to perform always in the best interest of others, such actions are seen as weakness, a definite sign of unsound thinking, poor judgment, and indication that the person is morally dishonest, and is highly motivated by their own needs, wants or desires, rather than the best interests of their commitments.
Pretty much every famous person these days gets parasites who make up stuff - the sports stars, many of whom actually are horndogs, have it worst. Unfortunately, there have been so many times when a hooker or dancer or masseuse gets tired of her day job, threatens a celebrity with bogus claims, then gets paid for it, that it's bound to continue. It's actually cheaper in the long run to pay a hooker $10,000 to go away that it is to have the long-lasting effects on your career.

Celebrities do also get away with stuff, or at least they used to, especially in Hollywood. Before Michael Jackson ever got sued, I met two separate people who talked about his molesting - but you did NOT go against Sony/Columbia/CBS, chairman Tony Mottola and his posse, Diana Ross and her posse - not in those days. And, there are NBA players with ten children by eight women, by the age of 30! To these women, he's a lifetime meal ticket.... better hope he invests well! And, people can still make a living slipping and falling at Walmart. In Gore's case, the police dismissed the claim, because they knew this chick, they didn't say why....
=CB= said:
SustainerPlayer said:
I do not really care much for Mr. Gore.

But I do not understand that "sex acts" can be a deciding factor for who people trust an office/job or not?

When the position sought, or held, is one of public trust, where the individual is expected to perform always in the best interest of others, such actions are seen as weakness, a definite sign of unsound thinking, poor judgement, and indication that the person is morally dishonest, and is highly motivated by their own needs, wants or desires, rather than the best interests of their commitments.

Well - I just think it is easier judging people on their actual jobs not on their private life. If people think that being a president or whatever requires a super human moral codex you'll find it real hard finding any candidates.

Judge the fireman on his ability on putting out fires and save humans. Not on his private activities.
Judge the guitarist on his ability to play and move you with his music. Not on his private activites.
Judge the politician on his actual carried out politics. Not on his private activities.

I off course assume those private activities are legal.

Adultery may be seen as a human weakness. Lust may be seen as a human weakness But man - there is sure a lot of that weakness around. And if that weakness is the equivalent of moral dishonesty we should never have any male in office at all. And come to think of it - not many female either.

Additionally, it does seem as though if you want to stay happily married, it's probably just not a real good idea to let strange women oil you up and rub all over your body.
Just sayin'.  :blob7:

P.S. (You do understand that the one thing that kept Bill Clinton from having the legacy of a Kennedy was that he didn't pick up on the part that you were supposed to have your women snuffed if they got uppity?? Think on it, grasshopper.)
dNA said:
If we all found out Albert Einstein was a total sleeze, it wouldn't have meant the Theory of Relativity was wrong.
Dude... Einstein was a total sleaze. Look it up.
Hmm well I could put it this way...

If I had to choose between:

a)  Beating Al Gore senseless with a baseball bat

b)  Paying a Carbon Footprint tax and being forced into an extortionate "Carbon Credit" system

...yep, definitely going with a)  .  :laughing7:

(I mean really, they'll try anything to separate your $$$ from your wallet)
Sexual indiscretions should not be paraded around as much as they are.  We have no business caring, and human beings are not going to stop misusing one another, especially when stress, travel, and power come into play.  Some of our greatest leaders were deviants like that, our press knew and kept it quiet because it didn't matter.  The media is not jr high, and I'd personally welcome a return to some integrity.

+1 to what Mark said.

Former Canadian Prime inister is famously quoted as saying "there's no place for the state in the berooms of the nation", and I think the opposite is just as true: there's no place for the nation in the bedrooms of statesmen.
AprioriMark said:
...and I'd personally welcome a return to some integrity. -Mark

While I agree that there is an overabundance of "sex scandals" in our media:

Integrity starts with everyone; including (and especially so) our leaders... because in order
to lead, you lead by example.  This is why our leaders are held to a higher standard.

No one with half a brain wants to follow a scumbag, nor do they want to put a scumbag in a leadership/authority position.
Superlizard said:
No one with half a brain wants to follow a scumbag, nor do they want to put a scumbag in a leadership/authority position.

But they do. All the time.  :laughing7:

Just kiddin' - although there is a bit of truth in it anyway.  :dontknow: