
Can't decide color for pickguard for this warmoth body. Opinions?


Junior Member
I bought this used warmoth strat body and I already have a rosewood neck for it. I need to get a pickguard and can't for the life of me decide what color pickguard. I am slightly leaning towards a black pickguard but in cruising through the Warmoth site for ideas, they are also using white and pearl pickguards on this finish.

Just curious if most think it is a toss up on white or black or if most think one way or the other. Obviously a first world problem but I appreciate it!



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I'd start with solid black (not the BWB sandwich), but I'm also fond of cream/parchment with that color scheme.

One good thing is it's easy and inexpensive to change in the future if you pick something you don't like. My recommendation, take a risk.
If you haven't already, you might want to Google "tobacco burst Stratocaster" images , although yours is more of a charcoal burst (corrected). If it were me, I would go for black.

"Black will always be the new black."
What I've learned on my most recent build is that black and solid pearloid go with everything, and at the end of the day pick the color your wife likes.
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
Maybe it's just me, but I think White Pearl looks great on almost every translucent finish, and many solid color ones too.

Agreed, but at least pick guards don't cost a whole lot, so changing out in 6 months after you give it a chance to grow on you or not, is not a big deal.
I'll also agree with the black. Second choice would whatever color the spots on the fretboard are (pearloid, cream).
A black pickguard works on (basically) anything and everything.  Buy two.  A black one and something else.  Possibly parchment.
Wow! Great feedback. The body arrives today so it is decision time. I will let you know what I decide and provide pics, too. Again, thanks everyone and I love this site almost as much as warmoth products. At last count, I have 6 builds.