
Can I spray vintage amber lacquer over clear satin neck?


I bought a guitar with a Warmoth neck. The neck has a clear satin finish. I would like it to have an amber tint to it. From what I understand you can spray nitro over nitro without issues.

Is the Warmoth clear satin nitro or poly?

Assuming its nitro... any reason I should not spray over it?

What about the fretboard? Should I try to mask them off, or just spray over them, then sand?
I'm assuming the neck is a polyurethane satin. But, honestly it doesn't really matter. Adhesion would be better if you were to lightly scuff sand with 400 or 600 grit wet dry sand paper. Then wipe off dust and spray the neck.

If you're not trying to spray the fretboard I'd mask with painters tape. Also, mask the neck heel, and truss adjustment area. Paint can sometimes cause fitting issues in the neck pocket, and bind trussrods.

Most production instruments are sealed with a vinyl or oil based sealer. So, a nitrocellulose finish can sit on a nano thin coating of a plastic like substance. It allows for a thinner finish with nitrocellulose. Nitro is bad about sinking into non sealed wood, and requires many, many coats to get to a good finish without sealer.
Fairly sure the Warmoth satin neck finish used to be lacquer whereas everything else was poly, not sure if that's still the case (haven't ordered a finished neck for a good 15 years now).
why not?  In any event, you do a test patch and see what happens.  I don't see a problem.