
Budget Bass - Thoughts


Senior Member
I am in need of a standard P bass, but unlike my last build my funds are going to ,be very tight.
Last time I went all out, Schaller tuners,  a badass II bridge and a Fralin pickup. All together, it cost me about $350 after shipping and taxes and stuff.

If I went for all GFS stuff - the vintage P pickup, vintage Fender style bridge, and their elephant tuners - it would cost me just over $100, shipping and taxes included.

I wouldn't be expecting it to sound just as good, and have as great tuning and intonation, but how would it be? Would it sound half decent and worth putting together or will it sound like crap and be unplayable?
I have no experiences with GFS parts, so I don't know what to expect.
I've bought a GFS hardtail bridge, some pots and stuff, and some tuners. imho it's garbage and gotoh stuff is heaps better and reasonably priced. Like their pickups though.
A Seymour Duncan vintage P bass pickup, a set of Schaller BML tuners and a Gotoh 201 bridge will cost $149.75 in the Warmoth E store. That's not much more than 100 bucks of rubbish will cost.. :dontknow: