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I swear I could write a better bot than these morons. But I really really don't think it's ethical to advance the state of the art, even in jest.
I don't know. Buy Nike footwear from China. But I'm sure you tell me. Buy Nike footwear from China. I'm glad you shared this information. Buy Nike footwear from China.
Judging by the number of bots we're exposed to and the inconsistent blocking of posts by long-time members, I'm forced to think that the administration of this board is lackadaisical at best. It worries me, because it means we may be exposed to other exploits. I know this board sort of self-manages itself due to the quality of its members and so needs little moderation, but there does need to be a certain amount of oversight to keep the bad guys at bay.
Cagey said:
Judging by the number of bots we're exposed to and the inconsistent blocking of posts by long-time members, I'm forced to think that the administration of this board is lackadaisical at best. It worries me, because it means we may be exposed to other exploits. I know this board sort of self-manages itself due to the quality of its members and so needs little moderation, but there does need to be a certain amount of oversight to keep the bad guys at bay.

I have noticed this since I started coming back around. Look at the number of posts still "awaiting approval."  Wyliee and Gregg used to have an occasional presence on the board. Do they ever post anymore?
Wyliee has left the company; not sure about Gregg.

In any event, whoever is currently tasked with policing this place needs to pay a bit more attention.

Many boards appoint long-term members as moderators. Perhaps there ought to be some trust handed out if Warmoth doesn't want or have the time to invest in keeping the board clean.
I can only speak for myself, but I'd be happy to serve. This is my favorite forum and I'd be honored to keep it clean for all my friends.
I'm with Cagey.  I'd be happy to do what I can to maintain a congenial atmosphere around here.  Of course, the Powers That Be would need to bless it, but if called, I will serve.

What is a bot?

The grue is a sinister, lurking presence in the dark places of the earth. Its favorite diet is adventurers, but its insatiable appetite is tempered by its fear of light. No grue has ever been seen by the light of day, and few have survived its fearsome jaws to tell the tale.

Oh no wait, wrong definition:
An Internet bot, also known as web robot, WWW robot or simply bot, is a software application that runs automated tasks over the Internet. Typically, bots perform tasks that are both simple and structurally repetitive, at a much higher rate than would be possible for a human alone...

Malicious purposes
Another, more malicious use of bots is the coordination and operation of an automated attack on networked computers, such as a denial-of-service attack by a botnet. Internet bots can also be used to commit click fraud and more recently have seen usage around MMORPG games as computer game bots. A spambot is an internet bot that attempts to spam large amounts of content on the Internet, usually adding advertising links.

These postings of random gibberish by people with one or two posts are bots. Usually they try to get some minimum post count to get around board rules, then post links to nefarious crap.
There has been a rash of newcomers to our 'boards all sporting postage stamp-sized profile pics of celebrities; we've recently been graced with the presence of Bruce Willis, Mike Shinoda, Freddie Mercury, Kurt Cobain, Alanis Morissette (a few members sure took a shine to that one lol), and now Bob Marley. They make a few convincing posts (-with pics of their builds, even) then vanish. -Weird.

-Are they Bots? -Or are they

Probably 'bots. Admin could do a little trace work and find out if they're coming from a common source then block that address group, but hasn't yet.
Source traffic is futile on bots. Something like1/4 to 1/2 all pc's on the internet are zombies under control of hackers somewhere. Self policing and link control are the way to go. No links, embeds, attachments, pm's, or UBB code until you reach more posts than Cagey. that's the way to do it