Here's a series of shots I took when installing some threaded inserts in a Warmoth neck.
This is the neck we're talking about. It's a Warmoth Pro made of Koa neck meat w/ an Ebony fretboard, gold 6100 frets, a flamed Koa headstock veneer, Schaller locking tuners and a gloss poly finish. Fine piece of work, cost me a jillion bucks. Didn't want to screw it up if I could help it <grin>
Click on any picture to enlarge it - be aware that the full-size pics are 1600x1200.

You really need a drill press to do this right. For one thing, you want the holes to go in perpendicular to the neck. For another, you can adjust the depth of the drill so you don't inadvertently drill through your fretboard, necessitating the coining of new cuss words...

Also, you can see how the neck is being held in place on the stage. There's a clamp that looks sorta like this (I don't have a picture of mine, but this is the same unit)...
I simply covered it with a soft cloth to protect the neck's finish, and closed it up on the sides of the neck until it was just barely touching it. Not really clamped, just loosely held in place.
Here, you can see the first hole is drilled.

You'll need some 8-32 inserts, an insert tool, and a variable speed drill motor.

Also, it's a
very good idea to have some thread lubricating wax. Otherwise, you're liable to destroy the inserts.

Then, you just drive them in. S-l-o-w-l-y. Carefully. Be sure you're going in straight.

Once it's assembled, it will look sorta like this...

And here's a front shot.

See? Piece o' cake. No damage, and life is good.