
Benedetto pickups

Haven't tried them personally, but there was an older black cat that used to hit the jazz jam at the Phoenix in KC; I had to ask him what he was using as he played an older Epiphone Sheraton, but I never heard anyone get that good of a sound out of one with stock electronics. Didn't get whether he was using the A-series or PAFs, but sounded great in a hollow body.
Are pickups in hollow bodied guitars designed different from other HB's, or is it the guitar that gives the different tone's. What if I put a set of HB's out of say a Shereton or an Ibenez hollow body in my tele custom?
On design, not really if you're talking humbuckers. Unlike solid bodied guitars, wood choice and design can flavor tone a lot on a hollow body. Hard to try to explain using adjectives; if you have a larger guitar store near you you might try playing Gibson or Epiphone models with solid bodies and hollow bodies using the same pickups.

I don't think much of the stock pickups on most Epiphone or Ibanez models, you could try that...
Are the fender chrome humbuckers worth the $150 ? or have you found a good aftermarket that would compare? I have tried a couple of the high gain zebra's from GFS and found them only good for distortion sounds.
Ha! back to my first question, The Banedetto pickups are made by Seymour Duncan for Banedetto guitars. Stew mac sells em. They "Stew Mac" also sell golden age pickups. Sounds like they may be worth a try especially at $50 each!
If I remember right, from what I heard (that's a disclaimer :P) those "split humbuckers" aren't really what were on the 72 Femders. Those used real split humbuckers. Nowadays, fender sells fake split humbuckers (eg, regular humbuckers)
Well that sucks! I don't like fake stuff :dontknow:  I think I'll try the golden age HB's from Stew Mac, they sound like a good deal.
Warmoth sells the same Fender HBs for chepaer:


If you want to hear what they sound like, most any guitar store will have one of the nasty '72 Tele Deluxes in stock, has those same pickups, I don't care for them much myself, especially the clean sound out of them.
sorry for being late
I've played a Benedetto Hb (PAF) loaded into the neck position of an Ithica Oneida Jazz which was just perfect. I'm not a real jazz guy myself, but this guitar was just amazing. Now, the Oneida has a pretty unique bracing pattern combined with exceptional woods and I'm not gonna get into the top wood versus back wood versus fingerboard wood versus electronics debate but the overall tone through an Ac30 was full, mellow and round all at the same time. It had a bit of mid-swell that those crazy altered voicings absolutely loved. There was plenty of top end that just shimmered, I mean it had a great vocal quality. Overall it was very balanced with some defined mid and high presence with a rolled off bass. played with the tone all the way up it ha a bit of bite but it wasn't harsh. It's a pretty far cry from honky-tonk or neck Hb tele's a la Keith Richards. Instead it is a jazz pickup, designed for jazz. It's meant to sit in the mix comfortably between upright, drums, horn(s), and keys and does so very well.
I have thier PAF  and it is beautiful .  I like it better than the one stock one in my vintage Les Paul , which is saying something.  It does everything the Gibson does , but better , clearer, warmer , and stronger.
I've been really, really, really wanting to try the PAFs but I don't yet have a guitar to try them in. I am thinking about trying them in a hollow L5s at some point though.