Hey guys, long time lurker first time poster. I have a swamp ash body on the way and went out and purchased some supplies and scraps to practice on. I was planning on staining with Old Masters "Spanish Oak" stain, and then grain filling with a similar dark color. I have all those supplies and am actually waiting for my seal coat shellac to dry before mixing up the grain filler and stain.
I recently saw a video on youtube of an ash stained cabinet. The person used the above dye, let it dry, 2 coats shellac, and then grain filled with a white picking stain grain filler and I thought the results looked pretty cool. Actually heres a picture I just found
I did a search for 'solarlux' and 'solar lux' and only found mentions of the dye, not actual pictures. When I searched google I read a lot of reports that this dye isn't very forgiving, and you will see every lap mark and every spot you've gone over.
I was just curious if anyone has any direct experience with this product? Is it difficult to work with? Any tips? I was going to practice on a piece of scrap I have before committing to the whole guitar. (Althought right now I really like the spanish oak stain, darker than the minwax ebony if anyone was wondering)
THank you very much
I recently saw a video on youtube of an ash stained cabinet. The person used the above dye, let it dry, 2 coats shellac, and then grain filled with a white picking stain grain filler and I thought the results looked pretty cool. Actually heres a picture I just found
I did a search for 'solarlux' and 'solar lux' and only found mentions of the dye, not actual pictures. When I searched google I read a lot of reports that this dye isn't very forgiving, and you will see every lap mark and every spot you've gone over.
I was just curious if anyone has any direct experience with this product? Is it difficult to work with? Any tips? I was going to practice on a piece of scrap I have before committing to the whole guitar. (Althought right now I really like the spanish oak stain, darker than the minwax ebony if anyone was wondering)
THank you very much