
Beautiful white ash Iphone case - and bonus snake oil!


Epic Member


Executive summary:  Fancy wooden iphone case has a layer of some sort of "high tech material" that purports to improve audio signal quality from the iPhone by diminishing the effect of the phone's own RF emissions on the audio signal.

I'll say this - the wooden case looks really nifty.

It has been said that there are only 2 ways to get rich these days ...
1) Invent a better mousetrap (ie: take someone else's idea and improve on it)
2) Create a solution and then market the problem.

This definitely falls into the latter category.
Creating a case that is like a microphone shock mount is an interesting, albeit pointless idea, and since WiFi, 3G, and LTE signals are up in the megahertz range, they will have a negligible effect on earbuds that are lucky to reproduce 16 kHz.

And engineered with the supervision of a mastering studio engineer ..... I wonder how much they paid him to endorse the product.

But you're right ... it is pretty.
Indeed, it looks nice, but there are a few problems for me.

Firstly, there are too many sharp corners. I don't want the wood getting compressed and beat up from wear and tear, and I don't think it will slip in and out of my pocket as easily as a smooth case. Secondly, there are too many intricate cuts of wood. I like to clean my phone with rubbing alcohol on a rag, about once a week, and all of those nooks and grannies make it hard to do that. I don't want my phone harboring bacteria that I cannot clean.