
Bad Advice

Just Another Smith

Junior Member
I'm planning a Tele build and decided to ask for Gift Certs from Warmoth for Christmas.  My father-in-law thought the site was really cool and passed it on to his brother-in-law who also plays guitar.  Then the advice began to flood my inbox.

One piece being that I should buy a Telecaster then modify it.  Looking over my list of parts for my build the only piece that would remain would be the control cover (as long as I can find a Fender that has it in black  :)).  That would be one expensive control cover since I can buy one for about $14.

I don't mind a little advice or some suggestions but the guy wants me to build his dream guitar.  I sent him a nice email and let him know what I was planning, I'm interested to see what happens from here.
Welcome man :D
The only advice I can offer is that advice means nothing when it comes to value judgements and personal taste. If it's advice on versatility and practical usage, there is definitely plenty of that going around.