
AWESOME cover of Tommy the Cat!


Senior Member

someone should send this to Les. he'd rofl for sure. this guy is awesome! look up his cover of The Trooper!
To be fair, both bass and vocals are difficult.

For those who have never heard the original:

OHHHHHHHHHHH man, that was just insane to watch the first 30 seconds.

The thing about primus songs is that you'll never get 'em to sound just right without one of those basses.
Such ridiculous unbasslike tone that comes out of left field, it makes a wonder out of anything Les plays.
I'll see if I can get my brother to try his (smallLEFTY) hands at the main riff, AT LEAST.
I'll video if it's any good :guitaristgif:
I figure get a 6 string gecko bass and put the humbucker RIGHT next to the bridge, and that could be a pretty close sound if you have a technique similar to Les's. if he can manage, that'd be cool to see!

also Joseph, I normally hate slapping, but Les, Larry Graham, and Stanley Clarke are the exceptions. they are the only ones who can do it without it turning into a mish mash of awful tone, rhythms, and octaves. but they also know how and when to use their fingers, too.

and if anyone hasn't gotten it yet, the "cover" was a joke. he doesn't actually suck that hard. great song, though. Primus/Les Claypool is amazing.