
Are Warmth closed for the holiday season?


Junior Member
I ordered a neck from them on the 27th December and emailed them the other day to ask when it was likely to be shipped, still no reply so I resent it today. Any ideas? They are usually very prompt.
I'm in the UK. I actually just got an email saying 'UPS Ship Notification' saying the neck is scheduled for delivery tomorrow. Pretty weird, I didn't get an email saying it had been shipped or anything like I did with the body.
Have you received a reply yet? .... send the information about your order directly to me at rob@warmoth.com and I'll get you the status.... we have a pretty heavy duty spam filter and every once in a while good e-mails get caught.
Hey Rob, the neck must've shipped, it's currently going through customs etc. here in the UK, according to the UPS site.

