
Apparently Spud is filthy!


Experienced Member
Took car into dealership this morning as was noticing rubber burning smell. (5 mo ago had new radiator installed) thought is was a belt or radiator problem. Turns out everything is fine, but mechanics diagnosed the smell as probably RAT PEE!!!! (maybe squirrel) Gross, I would have totally expected that if it was Rick's vehicle but not mine!!
Did i tell you that story about the rat in my neighbors car? LOL. To make a long story short ... after they built the Barclay's center which formerly was a construction site home to hundreds of feral cats there was a surge in tbe rat population. You see the Barclay's center and the adjoining target effectively left the cats homeless and they had to go someplace else .. i think the gowanas canal ... anyway the cats suppressed the rat population ... our neighborhood was deluged with rats ... rats every where ... rats in the trees ... rats in the sewers ... rats digging burrows under the trees ... it become so normalized that one night i was dumping my garbage and the bag landed on some rats and one of them decided to escape by running up my pajamas... when he got to my waist i swatted him off and screamed... ... my neighbors ... women in their 20s ... asked me what was wrong .. i told them a rat had run up my leg and they were like lotus eaters saying in these calm voices don't worry...it'll be alright ... it's ok ... like it was normal .... so i went inside ... not too long after that my wife and i were driving back from Chinatown and we're going thru Dumbo... and i see my neighbor Sergio driving with his kid in the car but really slow .... i pull up next to him. Roll down my wndow .. i ask him if he's alright and he says yes that he'll see me at home so ok .... we get home and i ask sergio what happened and he says that the rats seek warmth at night and they had made a nest in his car and when he started his car the rats had been sleeping in every nook and cranny and had been crushed by the moving parts like the fan belt. Damaged his car. Anyway i noticed that where the cars where parked there were c r ushed rats. Mangled rats . . . Crushed rats everywhere! Rat bodies smashed and flattened ... it was a rat apocalypse... still there w were so many living rats ... which gave birth due to rat resiliency... to my band's name Rats of Saint Felix. Our house was on Saint Felix street....I have more rat stories but that's enough for now.
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