
Anyone use a Music Nomad fret guard on Gibson Scale Warmoth Necks?


TLDR : Has anyone used the music nomad, or a similar "full" shield for fret work on Warmoth 24.75's? If you used the Music Nomad, did you use the "G" or the "E" version?

Should be seeing my first two Warmoth necks and bodies in the next month or so here... super excited for all of it and I don't think I would have felt confident in my selections without the youtube channel, but also with the experiences many of you have shared, often in great detail, on this forum. Thank you!

Both necks are tiltback 22-fret conversion necks. From what I've read/watched fretwork is in the cards, and that's cool as I'm already tooled up and experienced on that front. I own the music nomad "Fret Shield" for 25.5" scale and it works on most of my 25.5" instruments. Their claim about handling jumbo frets might be a stretch, but one companies jumbo is another companies super jumbo... anyway.... Tape will always work, but the shield saves time, and for me it felt like it paid for itself the first time I used it. With two necks in the queue already it's worth the $50 to me, but I wanted to ask if anyone else has gone that route.

Should be seeing my first two Warmoth necks and bodies in the next month or so here... super excited for all of it and I don't think I would have felt confident in my selections without the youtube channel, but also with the experiences many of you have shared, often in great detail, on this forum. Thank you!

What did you purchase? Just curious, you know?
1) Carved top Velocity body + warmoth conversion neck - wizard/straight 16"
2) Mahogany strat body + hombre conversion with compound 12-16" - "Fen Paul"

The bodies and hombre were in the showcase, I had the warmoth neck built to spec with a "unique choice" ebony fingerboard.
I don't know the answer to your question but I think you need the 24.75 scale fret shield. The one thing I can almost promise you is that if I'm wrong someone will correct me. Way cool projects
I don't know the answer to your question but I think you need the 24.75 scale fret shield. The one thing I can almost promise you is that if I'm wrong someone will correct me. Way cool projects
They have two different ones, the E and G - both 24.75" so that's what I'm trying to figure out. I can always wait until they come, I'm just being the impatient kid on Christmas Eve.
Hmmm. Rule of 18 or rule of 17.818?
Hmmm is right. I believe Fender uses 17.818 - so I would imagine Warmoth does that given the Fender licensing, etc... but the conversion necks say "Gibson scale conversion" and Gibson typically uses rule of 18 right? So is it literally just the "Gibson scale" or do they go with rule of 18 on them as well? May have to just be patient and wait for the necks to arrive.