Anyone hear about a guy who calls himself Modul Kollektiv?


Epic Member
Hey folks,

I was approached by a dude who claimed to represent Modul Kollektiv (whoever that is) and arrange a review of my pedals. Then I get a form email from someone claiming to be Modul Kollektiv's manager with a bunch of information. To be honest, it seems kinda sketchy. But - I want to do my due diligence.

Anyone heard of, or actually met, Modul Kollektiv?
Lol. That's the guy who called me during a power failure to tell me if I wanted my power back I had to immediately pay my over due bill. I told modul this was the worst customer service I've ever seen in my life, do you realize what this looks like ... after that we had a few choice words ... he didn't call back

Beware of anyone that shows up unsolicited saying they are here to help you . I'd take a pass. Even if they look semi legit, I'd say not at this time. Think about it guys shows up out of nowhere. It'll turn out like the guy who shows up saying I finished a pavingjob down the street would you like your pot holes on the driveway filled. It doesn't work.
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He has a Facebook page. My guess is he wants some free pedals.

When I was making CDI units for old motorcycles, I had a guy email me who claimed to be the head of a motorcycle club that was restoring an old bike. He asked for discounted parts in exchange for a great writeup in their club magazine and lots of publicity. I declined.
Ah, yes, the famous tale of "ExPoSuRe!" Looks like some unknown electronica DJ remixer type. Why a person like that would want to review guitar effects pedals is beyond me, since nothing in the cursory search I'm sure we've all done already has pulled up anything even remotely relevant to "guitar gear reviews."

(and since this forum topic also appears on a search result for this guy's name, I'm sure it'll be fun reading for the 42 people out in the world who've heard of him)

Decades ago, I got a random e-mail from some alleged management co. from the UK claiming to represent a band that had the same name as us and therefore asked us to stop using it, as they would be expanding their reach "into the new millenium." There was a vague, empty threat of legal action over our domain name ownership. Ha ha no.

(we never really went anywhere, but then again, neither did they....and certainly not across the Atlantic into midwest USA; how strange that I didn't budge and never heard from them again anyway)
I have not heard of Modul Kollektiv.

And since the thread has already turned this direction, I'll add that I get approached by people quite often who want a sponsorship of some kind, and it never fails to amaze me how little some of them bring to the table when asking for free stuff.

Sometimes they are YouTube channels with literally 100 followers. Other times they are bigger channels but they are so unprofessional in their approach that I just can't get past it. One guy in particular (that you probably all know) was so unbelievably inarticulate and entitled that I couldn't say yes. Sometimes it is bands that don't even have a website, but assure me they are a "touring" band. LOL. Sometimes they list no website, YouTube channel, or anything else for me to research. I have to go Googling to find them.

The very worst though are the legit mega-stars who approach me for something and I have to tell them no because it violates our licensing agreement. Twice now I've had to tell an idol of mine "sorry, I can't help you".

Anyway.....carry on....