
Any Tough Mudders out there?


Hero Member
Hey all, just a general query. Have any of you ever done one of these Tough Mudder events?


Some friends and I are participating in the Melbourne event on the 31st March, and really want to hear some personal experiences if you have them.


Also, if anyone wants to donate anything. They are trying to raise funds through Legacy, who care for families of deceased and incapacitated veterans. Not trying to raise much, as I have $140 dollar target.



My whole family did the Survivor mud run last year.  We had a blast and I'd love to do more.  My son finished in the top 15 for his age group without trying very hard.  I definitely think he could take first if he pushed himself a bit. 

There is a zombie mud run where people chase you through the course.  That could be crazy fun!
Texas has http://www.runthejailbreak.com/ and http://warriordash.com/ and the warrior dash is elsewhere in the world too http://warriordash.com/locations.php including UK and AU

Haven't gotten around to not being lazy enough yet though..  :laughing7:
Thanks guys, these look like the same types of events. Look forward to the mental challenge, but it also should be a lot of fun.

I'm signed up with a gang of my co-workers for the September Tough Mudder in the Lake Tahoe vicinity.  That part where we swim through 37-degree (Fahrenheit) water is probably the thing I'm dreading most about it.  But even that looks like it'll be a blast.

