Antigua Burst - Science/Voodoo?


Gonna make my first post here controversial to most so here goes!
I've owned in the past(1979) a Fender Precision Bass in Antigua Burst with a matching guard, now at the time I was playing bass in a local band, never gave a seconds thought to the colour of the bass, all I knew was that I liked it. Most people that came to see the band hated the colour but that was what made me love it all the more. At this time it was all Duran Duran going on with pointy basses and boring run of the mill stuff. I was playing all the old 70's punk covers(not that it was old at the time it was still going on) and one of my bass playing heroes Jean-Jacques Burnel of The Stranglers had the exact same bass in the same colour. Years went by and I stopped playing bass and picked up the lead guitar and sold the bass for the paltry sum of £50.00 when it was more like £400 worth of gear.
I've searched for the past few years for a telecaster in the same colour as that 70's bass I had but have only seen the Japanese re-issues in a slightly different shade(way too green and yellow to the originals), there have been a few original 70's models pop up on ebay but the prices have been ridiculous. My plan now is to spray my own, I have been spraying guitars for a few years now and consider myself pretty good at it, but im stumped trying to work out the colours required for a proper version of Antigua Burst. I've been in touch with someone from Detroit called Bob who has suggested colours for me to give it a shot with as he has spayed the most realistic version I've seen. But has anyone else painted one in the past few years who can actually give me paint codes, or suggest mixes to add to base colours to re-create an Antigua Burst...I appreciate 99% of you will despise the colour but it has sentimental value to me as well as being my favourite Fender colour. The past posts regarding this colour on this site was in 2012, so I think enough time has past to drag it up from the ground and hope that someone has some info on the colour. Massive thanks to anyone how can help.Rich.
I can't give you particulars about paint colors or anything, but I do know Warmoth formerly offered the Antigua bursts, and one of our resident geniuses, Tonar8353, does a lot of vintage-style work and might be able to help you out.  If you send him a private message he will respond and in my experience is very generous with his knowledge.  He also does first-rate work, and might be able to cut a deal with you to do a body for you.


I always thought they were pretty neat. Like so many things Fender, it was originally designed to refinish bodies they'd screwed up stuff like "white" on. Rather than strip them, just keep running them through adding stuff.