@jusatele: where's the rant?

what you're saying is exactly my thinking. We want premium guitars, and we are willing to pay for it, but when is an instrument premium? a gibson is premium compared to an epiphone, but still. alembic is premium to gibson, but where does that leave us? most of us build very, very nice guitars, with either a great finish from warmoth or tonar, or a homebrew. where homebrew isn't meant as a negative thing, but it is what it is: a finish done by the eventual owner, most of the time at home!
and what about the timber? warmoth's wood is one of the best I've come across, and really, I've tried my hands on MANY guitars! I own 2 gibson les pauls, used to own 15 gibson les pauls, I have a 'huber ghostbuild' les paul (unofficially a huber, but it is a huber anyway). and my warmoths are just as fine as those 'premiums'.
the thing that stricks me is that alembic in fact is doing a lot of stuff by CNC. perhaps as much, or more by CNC than warmoth. no, its not intented as a bad thing/rant, just an observation.
but what you're saying, 'does just the name carry that much value'. I think so. unfortunately. Look at schaller. their stuff has been on a slipperly slope, QC wise, for the last decade and a half, or so, at LEAST. Gotoh has surpassed them by and large, but still, schaller is more expensive. its just the name that sells.
what strikes me is that so many people who haven't ever build a guitar, or assembled one, always ask about resale value. but why should I even concern myself with that? I want a guitar with specific specs, and if I want Gibson to build it, I can sell it off better than a warmoth, by name, but worst, because a gibson with the specs I want will cost 10 times what a warmoth costs! and that will put people off HUGELY compared to a warmoth with just as nice specs, better craftmanship, better wood, and a lower pricetag.
i recognise what you say about that PRS. The only guitar I never felt a need to improve or modify was... well, crap, can't think of one

perhaps my custombuild crimsons, but thats not fair. I think my old gibson SG or flying V. they were exactly as I wanted them in the beginning.
@line6man I'm not too familiar with alembic. its not really a common brand here in the Netherlands.